President Biden today named Clare Martorana Federal CIO and administrator of the Office of Electronic Government at the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
The Federal CIO position – which guides a range of IT policy-setting activities for Federal government agencies – is a presidential appointment that does not require Senate confirmation.
Martorana will come to OMB after two years as CIO at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). The White House said today that during her tenure at OPM “she stabilized and secured agency operations to deliver better digital-first services for the Federal workforce.”
Before that, Martorana worked for the U.S. Digital Service – a technology consulting unit within the Executive Office of the President that advises Federal agencies on IT, and ways to improve and simplify digital service and improve Federal websites. Part of that time was spent helping with digital modernization at the Department of Veterans Affairs as team and product lead.
Prior to government service, she was president-consumer at Everyday Health from 2015 to 2016, and from 2001 to 2013 was a senior vice president and editor-at-large for WebMD.
“Throughout her career, Clare Martorana worked to improve and simplify the digital experiences people have when interacting with businesses and government,” the White House said today in announcing her appointment.
Martorana will take the reins from acting Federal CIO Maria Roat, who is also deputy Federal CIO. She took over as deputy in March 2020 after serving as CIO at the Small Business Administration. OMB will be getting its first permanent Federal CIO since Suzette Kent left the position in July 2020 after two and half years at the helm.