The State Department’s Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy (CDP) has hired Adam Segal to lead the development of a U.S. International Cyberspace and Digital Policy Strategy.
As CDP’s new senior advisor for international cyber and digital strategy policy, Segal is the agency’s first hire using the special hiring authority granted by Congress in the 2023 National Defense and Authorization Act (NDAA), “with more to come,” according to a tweet from the agency.
In a tweet of his own, Segal said he was “very excited to be joining and helping out with the strategy.”
He previously served as the Ira A. Lipman chair in emerging technologies and national security and as director of the Digital and Cyberspace Policy program at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). According to CFR, Segal is an expert on security issues, technology development, and Chinese domestic and foreign policy.
The 2023 NDAA gave the new bureau – which officially launched in April 2022 – the ability to hire 25 cyber personnel from the private sector.
“We’re making full use of that,” Nathaniel Fick, the CDP’s inaugural ambassador, said earlier this month of the new hiring authority. “I think that we need people with technology experience and expertise, but also people with commercial sensibility.”
According to Fick, the CDP is on track to accomplish its goal of having a trained cyber and digital officer in every U.S. embassy around the world by the end of 2024.