With Election Day quickly approaching, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) launched a new one-stop shop website on Monday for election threat updates from CISA and the agency’s Federal partners.
The website is part of the larger #Protect2024 site that CISA launched in January. As foreign actors continue their efforts to influence the 2024 elections, the new page aims to make it easier for voters and the election community to find information about the election threat environment.
Specifically, the page features threat-related products such as joint statements from CISA, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), and the FBI on threats to the 2024 election. It also features ODNI election threat updates on foreign malign activity, as well as the “Just So You Know” Joint PSA Series from the FBI and CISA.
“Since its initial launch, #Protect2024 has quickly grown and serves as the central point for critical resources, training lists, and security services to support more than 8,000 election jurisdictions for the 2024 election cycle,” CISA said in an Oct. 28 press release.
The agency said it will update the website with additional resources as they are released.
Despite adversaries’ attempts to influence and interfere with the 2024 elections, CISA Director Jen Easterly has assured Americans that U.S. election infrastructure has never been more secure.
“What I’ve said repeatedly is that election infrastructure has never been more secure, and the election stakeholder community has never been more prepared,” Easterly said during a virtual CISA Live event last month.
“Look, things will go wrong. They always go wrong,” she said. “But the good news is these will not … impact the integrity of the vote, how votes are passed, or how those votes are counted, but our foreign adversaries will try to make us believe that they will, and it really takes all of us to come together to protect and preserve our democracy.”