As mobile security threats continue to grow, an increasing share of companies are knowingly and willingly sacrificing security for profit and expediency, according to Verizon’s 2019 Mobile Security Index.
Of the individuals who responded to Verizon’s survey for the report, 83 percent said their organizations faced mobile threat risks, and 29 percent indicated those risks were significant.
And a total of 69 percent of respondents believed that mobile threats have grown more over the past year, which Verizon said stems from the “growing reliance of mobile devices and their increased access to corporate resources.”
But despite the awareness of respondents to growing security risks, 48 percent indicated that their organizations still prioritized mobile device usage over enforcing security to “get the job done,” an increase from 32 percent least year.
However, respondents from the public sector were an exception to that trend, where 26 percent said they prioritize speed over protecting data and systems.