Which agencies and CIOs are top of the charts for their IT performance? Who’s getting As and Fs in what IT subjects – cloud, cyber, and everything in between? It’s all in the latest Congressional FITARA Scorecard.
Congressman Gerry Connolly, D-Va., the godfather of Fed IT and author of FITARA will hand out CIO grades and FITARA Awards at the Paddy’s Day Tech Tonic on March 14th at Tech Tonic at Morton’s on Connecticut Avenue in Washington, D.C.
Here are the agencies that will be bringing home the hardware for their performance:
Best Overall – U.S. Agency for International Development
Most Improved Overall – Department of Defense
Best in Cloud Category – Department of Defense
Best in Cyber Category – General Services Administration, Department of Education, Department of Homeland Security
Best in MGT Category – Department of Justice, Department of Transportation, Office of Personnel Management, Social Security Administration
Most Improved in Cyber Category – Department of Agriculture, Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Labor, State Department, Treasury Department
Most Improved in MGT Category – Department of Health and Human Services
Please register and come raise a glass with us to toast the top performers on the FITARA Scorecard at Tech Tonic. To be sure, it’s the happiest hour in Gov IT!