The House and Senate were poised late Monday to vote on a $1.4 trillion omnibus Federal spending bill, that includes $25 million of new funding for the Technology Modernization Fund (TMF).
If approved by the House and Senate, the bill to fund the Federal government through the remainder of Fiscal Year 2021 and avoid a government shutdown would go to President Trump for his signature.
While there is no language in the legislation that would provide for a pay increase for Federal civilian workers, some press reports on Monday discussed the possibility that President Trump could engineer a pay raise through a separate executive order.
Included in the budget is $1.66 billion for operations and support of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, with $22.8 million to remain available until Sept. 30, 2022.
“None of us think any of this legislation is perfect, but a big bipartisan majority of us recognize the incredible amount of good It will do when we send it to the President’s desk,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said today.
The bill also includes $12.5 million to further uses of IT in the Federal government – so long as the director of the Office of Management and Budget transfers the funds to one or more other agencies.
Additionally, the bill contains $18 million to enhance cybersecurity for systems operated by the Department of Treasury, and $156 million of funding for the Department of Energy “for energy sector cybersecurity, energy security, and emergency response activities.”