Cormant announced that the company is offering a full suite of Data Center Optimization Initiative metrics, including dashboards and reports that will help agencies meet Federal standards.
DCOI was released in August and requires agencies to consolidate inefficient infrastructure, update existing facilities, boost security, save money, and transition to cloud services or inter-agency shared services. Agencies must install energy measuring systems to track power usage, complete virtualization and server utilization metrics to ensure that equipment is being used efficiently, and track the use of space in Federal data centers. The initiative also includes a power usage effectiveness target to increase energy efficiency.
What does the future hold for data center optimization? Government leaders from GAO, State, and other departments will explore the progress made at the 2017 Data Center Brainstorm on March 23 at the Newseum in Washington, D.C.
Cormant’s Data Center Infrastructure Management solution allows agencies to refine the desired metrics to meet the needs of their specific data centers.
“Cormant uses its proven implementation methodology to work with customers to deploy the Cormant-CS DCIM solution, quickly and cost effectively,” said Brad Beamish, director of professional services for Cormant. “Cormant’s unique configuration capabilities deliver DCOI metrics rapidly and accommodate a wide range of data center types while still providing data that is accurate, actionable, and auditable.”
Cormant provides a set of DCOI data points at the server, rack, data center, and agency level. The data center solution includes a set of goals for the agency that are used to track progress against the current Federal standards. If the Federal standards change, Cormant can update the metrics without any software updates.
Over three years, agencies must close 25 percent of their tiered data centers and 60 percent of their nontiered data centers. Overall, 52 percent of the data center inventory in the Federal government will be closed and 31 percent of data center real estate held by the government will be reduced. DCOI seeks to reduce the cost of Federal data centers by 25 percent by 2018. This will result in $2.7 billion in cost savings and avoidances.
“At Cormant we know DCIM needs to be quick to deploy, intuitive to use, and provide a strong ROI,” said Paul Goodison, CEO at Cormant. “By providing the DCOI metrics as part of the core solution, we can encourage adoption and provide excellent value to the federal government.”