Congressman Connolly and CIOs Toast Paddy’s Day on March 14th
MeriTalk’s mixologists are giving the artist formerly known as Cyber Smoke a new shake.
As of 2024, the bi-monthly power networking event is called MeriTalk Tech Tonic. It’s the same recipe of face time, fun, and connections that 700 government and industry execs know and love – but with a few sweet new twists.
So, what’s in a Tech Tonic?
MeriTalk’s juicing our value for CIOs and gov tech leaders. We kick off with turbo-charged Tech Tonic content in the VIP reception. We’re adding fun themes. And, we’re expanding the focus beyond cyber – to cover Hill priorities/FITARA, AI, women in tech, and, yes, cyber. So, we’ll see a broader, more diverse Fed exec crowd.

“We love Cyber Smoke networking, but cyber’s only part of the equation – so, we asked MeriTalk to shake it up to provide more value for Fed tech leaders,” said Mason McDaniel, CTO at Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives. “We’re excited about Tech Tonic – best of the past, with new twists.”
So, Who’s on First?
The Paddy’s Day March 14th Tech Tonic features VIP speaker Congressman Gerry Connolly – Federal IT’s favorite leprechaun – talking Hill priorities. Congressman Connolly will recognize CIOs for their FITARA achievements – CIOs will join us to pick up their awards and toast Fed IT excellence. Thank you to our VIP sponsors Dell and GDIT – others welcome.
What’s on the Menu for the Rest of the Year?
New topics – new themes – new audiences:
May 16th – Women in Tech – Triple Crown
July 18th – AI – Beach Party
September 19th – Cyber – Almost Fed Year End & CIO Cricket Recap
December 19th – Holiday Bash
We’ll announce Tech Tonic VIP speakers as we run up to these programs.

“MeriTalk’s happy hour has always been great networking for Feds – Tech Tonic takes us to the next level,” said Sean Connelly, Trusted Internet Connections program manager and senior security architect at CISA. “Connelly, Connolly, and O’Keeffe – Paddy’s Day’s setting up nicely.”
“Who wouldn’t want a little luck o’ the Irish?” said Steve O’Keeffe, founder of MeriTalk. “Pour yourself a Tech Tonic. VIP reception to kick the night off? That’s your pot o’ gold. Relaxed indoor/outdoor space as springtime starts to show itself? You may be sure. Throw in a dash of fun – renew old acquaintances – come as a stranger, leave as a friend.”
Same time, same place – just Tech Tonic better. Join hundreds of your gov IT friends and colleagues at Morton’s The Steakhouse from 5:00-9:00 p.m. on the 14th for the happiest hour in gov IT. VIPs at 4:30 p.m.