The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a draft request for proposal (RFP) searching for a Cybersecurity Compensation System Support Services.
In the RFP, DHS said it was looking for a contractor to aid DHS in designing and operating a Cybersecurity Compensation System. The new system will enable DHS to offer sufficiently competitive compensation to recruit and retain required cybersecurity talent. DHS also said that it will allow the department to remain responsive to changes in the cybersecurity labor market and the cybersecurity work necessary to meet the department’s mission.
DHS said the eventual compensation system needs to “balance internal and external equity, while integrating leading compensation methods, including those proven effective in cybersecurity-focused organizations and those reflecting a focus on skills/competencies/capabilities.”
The new compensation system is part of a cross-department effort to implement a new cybersecurity-focused Federal civilian personnel system, the Cybersecurity Talent Management System (CTMS). The effort is spearheaded by the DHS Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer. As part of the implementation of the CTMS, the DHS secretary is authorized to make a variety of talent management changes, including alternative methods for describing jobs, conducting hiring, and compensating employees.
In the RFP, DHS said contractor support will be based on some existing DHS work, including some completed with the support of a previous contractor. The existing work includes proposed designs for a national broadband salary structure, which includes geographic differentials/supplements, as well as a streamlined menu of recruitment and retention incentives, including cash bonuses, time-off, and student loan repayments.
DHS said it anticipates releasing the final solicitation on March 16. If that happens on schedule, the department anticipates Phase I being due on March 22 and Phase II on March 29. DHS anticipates hearing oral presentations between March 31 and April with an award announcement occurring on April 29.