Deputy Secretary of Defense David Norquist designated the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) as the single service provider of common use IT services.
The deputy secretary’s signing of the Fourth Estate Network Optimization Execution Guidance memo on Nov. 12 included provisions granting DISA the authority to direct optimization efforts for 14 Fourth Estate defense agencies. The main task is moving the organizations onto the Department of Defense Network (DoDNet), the unified network supporting the agency and its field activities.
The Fourth Estate Network Optimization program also works toward updating DoD IT architecture, network consolidation, cost reduction, improved business practices, and mitigation of operational and cyber risks at participating departments.
“We are responsible for delivering a consolidated Fourth Estate network, enterprise services, end-user devices, desktop support and local and wide-area network connectivity. Through this process, DISA will manage all applications, tools, processes and the contracts necessary to support the Fourth Estate organizations and their day-to-day common IT functions,” Air Force Colonel and Fourth Estate Network Optimization lead Chris Autrey said in DISA’s statement.
Agencies included in this program include: DISA, Defense Technical Information Center, Defense Microelectronics Activity, Defense Media Activity, Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency, Defense Contract Audit Agency, Defense Manpower Data Center, Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Defense Logistics Agency, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Missile Defense Agency, and Defense Health Agency.