Eileen Vidrine is returning to the Department of the Air Force (DAF) later this month to serve as the service branch’s chief data and artificial intelligence officer (CDAO).
Vidrine will rejoin the Air Force after serving as the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) senior strategic advisor for data to the Federal CIO – a post she has held since January 2022. Prior to her time at OMB, she spent four years as the Air Force’s chief data officer.
“Miss Vidrine has been masterful at developing and implementing strategies for enterprise data management, analytics, and digital transformation to ultimately optimize performance and drive innovation across all missions and operations,” Col. Ryan Kehoe, the Air Force’s deputy CDAO, said during a Jan. 11 event hosted by the Chief Data and AI Office.
“We are excited about her return as our CDAO and look forward to continuing to drive digital innovation and transformation within the DAF,” he added.
Before her time at the Air Force, Vidrine spent nine months on detail to the executive office of the President in 2017, after being nominated to the White House Leadership Fellow program for her work at the Department of Defense. Vidrine has also worked in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and for the Defense Intelligence Agency in a variety of roles.
Vidrine is taking the place of Maj. Gen. John Olson, who stepped in as the Air Force’s first CDAO in January 2022.