The Federal Aviation Administration plans to give the single contract award for its Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center (MMAC) Information Technology Support Services (ITSS) in September 2017.
The award considerations include past performance, experience, performance risk, price, technical capabilities, and proposed understanding requirement.
More than 80 companies attended the contract’s industry day in August. The previous contract with L-3 Communications was extended six months to account for the selection process and transition to the new company, according to a Deltek report.
Since fiscal year 2011, the contractor has spent $151 million fulfilling its responsibilities. The contractor spent about 70 percent on Materials Task Orders, 30 percent on Fixed Price Task Orders, and less than 1 percent on Labor Hours Task Orders. The new contractor is expected to spend about $25.7 million each year.
The Information Technology industry, which houses ITSS, was the largest segment of spending within the FAA in fiscal year 2015. More than $30 million in Task Orders was spent in 2015, which amounts to 1.5 percent of the Information Technology budget. The Information Technology industry was also the largest spending category for the aeronautical center in 2015. From 2013 to 2015, $87 million was spent on ITSS, which amounts to 15.3 percent of the budget.
ITSS was the highest used contract vehicle for the center in 2015 by a margin of more than $20 million. ITSS was also the sixth most used contract vehicle by the FAA.