Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai outlined a proposal Wednesday to reverse the net neutrality rules.
The proposal would reverse the classification of broadband from a Title II service to a Title I service, which would give the Federal Trade Commission the authority to oversee the Internet once again.
The proposal would also eliminate the Internet Conduct Standard, which gave the FCC the authority to manage specific online entities.
“The FCC used the Internet conduct standard to launch a wide-ranging investigation of free-data programs,” Pai said. “Under these programs, wireless companies offer their customers the ability to stream music, video, and the like free from any data limits. They are very popular among consumers, particularly lower-income Americans.”
The proposal also will seek public comment on how to revise the FCC’s Open Internet rules, which protect uninhibited access to online content without broadband providers being allowed to block, impair, or establish fast or slow lanes to specific content.
Pai said that overturning net neutrality would provide Internet access to more Americans, create jobs, boost competition, and chart the best path to protect online privacy.
The FCC commissioners will vote on the proposal on May 18.
“Make no mistake about it: This is a fight that we intend to wage and it is a fight that we are going to win,” Pai said.