The Federal Election Commission (FEC) issued a request for information (RFI) to gather information about support for legacy applications, with an eye towards cloud migration.
In the Dec. 17 RFI, the FEC said it wants information about services to provide support and development for legacy applications. The FEC said this effort also includes helping the Commission move to a “modern, state of the art, cloud-based, secure, platform-independent environment.”
The Commission is looking to hire contractor support to augment existing FEC staff’s work in supporting 20+ applications and processes. This year, the FEC conducted a study of its legacy systems and developed a cloud migration plan for the legacy applications and systems. The existing plan includes recommendations for a phased approach of migrating the Commission’s legacy systems, including many of the 20+ apps and its disaster recovery environment, to the cloud. The FEC needs contractor staff to support the FEC’s migration efforts and to provide production support in the cloud environment.
Responses are due by Dec. 30, 2020.
As part of its broader cloud migration plan, the FEC recently posted another RFI looking to move its current filing platform to a cloud-based platform. In the Nov. 23 RFI, the FEC said it is looking to create a “modern, state of the art, cloud-based, secure, platform-independent electronic filing data application.”
The FEC is tasked with enforcing the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA), which includes managing campaign finance filings. Currently, the FEC filing platform – known as FECFile – is a free Windows-based software system that allows political campaigns to electronically file their compliance report to the FEC.
The move to modernize the platform started back in 2017 when the FEC published a study of its current platform, including a survey regarding the platform’s existing functionalities and an investigation of needs expressed by filers. Based on the study’s findings, the FEC began Phase 1 of the modernization process in 2018. Since completing the first phase, FEC has begun work on Phase 2 for its new NextGen eFiling platform.