The Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has awarded General Dynamics Information Technology (GDIT) a $65 million cloud and data integration contract to support the agency’s Integrated Data Repository (IDR).
The contract requires GDIT to provide agile transformation and development, security, and operations services to support on-premise and cloud systems. Additionally, the contract requires supporting migration of data to the cloud, and providing operations and maintenance services on the systems.
CMS’ IDR is a high-volume data warehouse integrating claims, beneficiary and provider data sources to support CMS programs. CMS maintains the largest volume of healthcare data files in the world, and accessing the integrated data supports analytics across CMS.
“CMS has made incredible progress as it moves its enterprise systems to the cloud,” said Kamal Narang, vice president and general manager of GDIT’s Federal Health sector. “This is another step in improving the agency’s data accessibility and analysis capabilities. As one of the largest providers of cloud services to CMS, we are proud to continue providing our cloud expertise to support their modernization journey.”
In a press release, GDIT talked about its partnership with CMS and detailed current work the company is doing with the agency. That work includes a project GDIT was selected for in September 2020 to optimize CMS’ cloud technology investments and financial operations as it implements a mature multi-cloud environment meant to deliver critical healthcare through hosted websites like and