The Office of Management and Budget announced the winners of the 2019 Gears of Government Awards, honoring individuals and teams across the Federal government for delivering outcomes and service to the American people.
The awards, which recognize “mission results, customer service, and accountable stewardship,” honored employees and teams at eight agencies for their efforts and breakthroughs.
“Whether they are defending the homeland, inspecting our food, making scientific discoveries, or managing cyber risks, Federal employees underpin all the operations of our government and touch nearly every aspect of our lives,” said Margaret Weichert, deputy director at OMB.
The award winners are:
- Barbara Morton, for her work in customer experience at the Veteran’s Experience Office at the Department of Veterans Affairs
- The KRUSTY Team at NASA and the National Nuclear Security Administration, for their work in finding technology that could provide power for long durations on other planets
- The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) team in Seattle, Washington, for using technology to improve the detection of algal bloom toxins
- The Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General, for preventing healthcare providers convicted of opioid offense and sexual assault from participating in programs like Medicare
- Kathleen Uhl at the Food and Drug Administration, for expanding access to generic drugs through better regulation
- The Takata Recall Team at the Department of Transportation, for reshaping how vehicle recalls happen with better communication
- Emily Haas at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for conducting research to improve health and safety standards for mineworkers
- The Agricultural Marketing Service at the Department of Agriculture, for their efforts on providing support to distressed agricultural sectors and providing food to food banks
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