The General Services Administration (GSA) began a mass modification to its multiple award schedules (MAS) Jan. 31 to consolidate all 24 systems into a single schedule, marking the second phase of its strategy to modernize the Federal acquisition system.
“We’re right on track with MAS Consolidation. Moving to a single schedule is good for Federal agencies, our industry partners, and our acquisition workforce. It’s a key piece of the picture for making it easier to deliver solutions,” GSA Administrator Emily Murphy said.
Using feedback from stakeholders, GSA has simplified the format, terms and conditions, and categories of its new single schedule. However, administrators are still working out some issues with the system, such as the fact that only new contracts are being placed on the single schedule service.
“Federal agencies should experience no disruption to their purchasing practices during the mass mod. There will be no change to contract numbers which makes the transition less burdensome overall,” Julie Dunne, Federal Acquisition Service commissioner, said. “And, we’ve been steadily training our contracting workforce to ensure a seamless transition,” she added.
Dunne said that consolidating award information to a single schedule will make it easier to buy and offer complete solutions. MAS holders will be asked to update contracts in compliance with the terms and conditions in the new award schedule solicitation.