GSA recently launched the U.S. Data Federation, a new effort to support data standardization and data federation initiatives in the Federal and local governments.
By profiling and supporting case studies that demonstrate unified and coherent data architectures across varying agencies, the federation will promote a more open and interconnected digital government–overall, expanding on efforts.
“Promoting open data not only improves transparency and innovation throughout the government, it makes us more efficient and breaks down the silos, allowing us to deliver better products and services to the American people,” said U.S. General Services Administrator Denise Turner Roth. “The U.S. Data Federation is one of many initiatives the Obama administration has launched to support governmentwide data standardization.”
As part of GSA’s Open Government Plan, the federation will highlight emerging data standards and API initiatives across all levels of government, convey the level of maturity for each effort, and facilitate greater participation by government agencies.
“GSA is proud to be at the forefront of this critical effort to promote open data across all levels of government,” said Turner Roth.