For agencies looking to score a touchdown with their customer experience, the General Services Administration (GSA) released its Customer Experience Playbook today, offering “a synthesis of ideas gathered from interviewing several subject matter experts and leaders in CX and Human Centered Design in government.”
The document is organized around the three units of Practice, Measure, and Grow, with plays under each of those categories. The playbook also includes more details on the frameworks of human centered design and user centered design, and the methodologies of customer experience, service design, user experience, and user interface.
“The plays are prepared in support of the President’s Management Agenda (PMA) and Cross-Agency Priority (CAP) goals, and the General Services Administration (GSA) Customer Experience Center of Excellence (CX CoE),” GSA stated.
For those who still need more practice, GSA includes checklists for each of the 13 plays in the playbook to help make sure implementation gets a strong start off the line. The playbook also includes case studies of agencies that have run these plays with success, and offers details on how they implemented better customer experiences. The playbook closes on keys to success, and additional resources for agencies.