The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Grants Management Quality Service Management Office (QSMO) is looking for feedback from the vendor community on the state of the commercial grants IT market.
QSMOs operate as a government storefront of a specific marketplace to manage tech solutions based on governmentwide standards. In January 2021, the White House designated HHS as the QSMO to lead grant management process improvement efforts across government.
In a new request for information (RFI), the Grants QSMO is looking to gather input on vendors’ grants management solutions including whether or not they can integrate with relevant systems such as,, and
The Grants QSMO also wants to know whether solutions are software-as-a-service, can scale to varying-sized Federal government agencies, or are highly configurable and do not require code changes.
A key objective for the Grants QSMO is to operate the Grants QSMO Marketplace of Federal Shared Service Providers, which it launched in September 2022. To address any gaps in the marketplace, the Grants QSMO also maintains a “Catalog of Market Research” to help agencies seeking commercial solutions for their IT grants needs.
“This RFI and the subsequent market research process will enable the Grants QSMO to assess the state of the commercial grants IT market, gather input from vendors on topics of interest to the Grants QSMO, and refresh the Catalog of Market Research with vendors likely to meet the grants IT needs of Federal awarding agencies,” the RFI says.
“The Catalog of Market Research, with periodic updates, will be the primary tool for Grants QSMO recommendations to agencies pursuing commercial acquisitions of grants award management systems until the next planned Grants QSMO RFI in 2026,” it adds.
Responses to the RFI are due by April 30.