Data analysts will now be able to work 100 times faster.
Hitachi announced in a news release Wednesday the creation of a data management system and technology for parallel data processing that, when tested, increased the speed of data analytics by up to 100 times. The database management system can expedite low-speed external memory. The system subdivides database information into multiple data segments so that management of each data segment can be handled by the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) internal memory.
The company also created technology equipped for high-speed parallel data processing. Parallel data processing is a tool that scans multiple columns of information at one time, thereby expediting data analytics.
“Parallel data processing was realized using this method together with a data filter circuit to select the data for analytics, and an aggregation circuit to group the data and calculate values such as total or average, to realize parallel data processing,” Hitachi said in the release.
Hitachi combined these technologies with Pentaho Business Analytics, which is software used to visualize business analytics results. The technology is also equipped with flash storage to create a prototype real time data analytics system.
“The prototype will contribute to realizing self-service data analytics enabling employees in the field to easily and quickly execute data analytics on massive business data,” the release said.
Self-service analytics allow employees in the field, who may not be data science experts, to conduct big data analysis. The report includes the example of a financial adviser entering a customer’s requirements into the analytics system in order to find a product that matches the customer’s financial needs. The financial adviser’s data analytics system would need to read and analyze data quickly. The report states that, with flash storage, the data read performance can increase by up to 10 to 100 times.
Delays occur, however, when data analysis performance cannot keep up with data read performance. Hitachi’s new database management system is meant to sidestep this problem.
Hitachia will exhibit these new technologies at the Flash Memory Summit On Aug. 9 in Santa Clara, Calif.