Two House subcommittees will convene a hearing tomorrow, Nov. 14, at 3 p.m., to hear officials from the Departments of Defense (DoD) and Homeland Security (DHS) discuss how the two agencies cooperate on cybersecurity issues. The hearing will be head by the House Armed Services Committee’s Emerging Threats and Capabilities Subcommittee, and the House Homeland Security’s Committee’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Protection Subcommittee. Testifying at the hearing will be: Jeanette Manfra, assistant secretary for DHS’ Office of Cybersecurity and Communications; Kenneth Rapuano, assistant secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Global Security and principal cyber advisor; and Lt. Gen. Bradford Shwedo, director for Command, Control, Communications and Computers/Cyber and CIO for the Joint Chiefs of Staff. “DoD and DHS play significant roles as cyber threats from foreign adversaries and criminals continue to advance,” the House Homeland subcommittee said in its hearing notice. “It is essential for Congress to understand the distinct operations of both agencies as well as all efforts for cooperation and collaboration to enhance the nation’s cybersecurity.”