If you’re like most of us, you haven’t seen the inside of your old office in a while, and you’re spending a whole lot less time and money commuting for work.
How much less?
Up until now, that total has been tough to figure. But MeriTalk just made it easier. Today, we launched the Telework Resource Center, which houses the Telework Exchange’s updated Telework Savings Calculator.
To calculate your savings, register for the Telework Savings Calculator, where you’ll then enter the following information:
- The number of roundtrip miles you commute to work, or avoided commuting by teleworking;
- The number of days you telework, and the type of vehicle you drive; and
- Your Federal agency affiliation
That’s it – the calculator will automatically compute your telework cost savings, the environmental benefits of not driving to work, and the total telework dividends of Federal telework. It’s free, fast, easy, and confidential.
At the same time, MeriTalk invites you to explore the rest of the Telework Resource Center portal by sharing your telework success stories – whether personal, environmental, or technology focused – for the benefit of the Federal government community and beyond.
Finally, take advantage of the MeriTalk Telework Resource Center’s expert news and information about Federal telework policy from the White House, Congress, and major Federal agencies. We’ve compiled the latest guidance as the government navigates the pandemic and weighs its options for a return to in-office work, or perhaps a lasting shift to a majority remote workforce.
The data that you and the rest of the Federal workforce generate by using the MeriTalk Telework Calculator can become valuable data points in how the government charts the path forward. Calculate your savings today!