The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) announced it will host a Proposers’ Day on Feb. 26 for its Secure, Assured, Intelligent Learning Systems (SAILS) program, and its Trojans in Artificial Intelligence (TrojAI) program. A Proposers’ Day is typically held before the release of a broad agency announcement soliciting research proposals, according to IARPA. At the event, program managers will present their vision and outline materials that will appear in the broad agency announcement. According to IARPA, the SAILS program is intended to “establish and explore a science of security for privacy vulnerabilities in artificial intelligence systems.” The release explains that SAILS will “explore a range of vulnerabilities across multiple domains, such as speech, image, and text.” The TrojAI program will “combat Trojan attacks by finding them in AIs, before the AI is deployed.” In the program, performers will “create software that reads in an AI’s code and states the probability that the AI has a Trojan.” Registration for the Proposers’ Day Conference closes Feb. 20 at 5 p.m. The Proposers’ Day will be held in Washington, D.C., though it will also be available via webcast.