Genevieve Morris on Aug. 24 resigned as chief health information officer (CHIO) of the Department of Veterans Affairs’ Office of Electronic Health Record Modernization (OEHRM). The new office was established in July to oversee VA’s $16 billion EHR modernization project. Morris had been on detail to VA from the Department of Health and Human Services, and has also stepped down from her role at HHS as principal deputy national coordinator for health IT. “It has become clear to me that VA’s leadership intends to take the EHR modernization effort in a different direction than we were headed, and since my service as CHIO was always intended to be an interim solution, I am offering my resignation,” Morris said in her resignation letter. John Windom, the executive director of OEHRM, will replace Morris in an acting capacity, VA Secretary Robert Wilkie announced. Morris’ resignation follows the departure of Ashwini Zenooz, VA’s chief medical officer leading EHR modernization and implementation efforts, who announced her resignation on Aug. 21.