Federal IT decision makers feel their agencies are holding onto outdated data centers for too long. According to recent MeriTalk research, a variety of cost and mission-focused factors are to blame.
The infographic – entitled “Infrastructure Psychology – Overvaluing Outdated Data Centers” – finds that among government IT professionals, 74 percent believe their agency holds onto outdated data centers longer than they should. And almost two out of three – 62 percent – say their agency needs to make more effective data center migration decisions.
Despite this, just 32 percent of government IT respondents say their agency has formally assessed data center values in the past year, versus 49 percent of industry IT respondents who report their organization took that step.
The study – undertaken in partnership with Amazon Web Services, Alfresco, Hitachi Vantara Federal, and Thundercat Technology – surveyed 215 government and industry IT decision makers registered for the AWS Public Sector Summit in June, and explores what costs, both actual and theoretical, factor into the data center migration decision.
So why is letting go so hard to do?
Click HERE to find out all the reasons, but the top-line reading of sentiment includes: cost issues (51 percent), data control issues (46 percent), and time-scale issues (41 percent).
Importantly, those reasons are holding firm even as nine out of 10 IT decision makers surveyed say their organizations are taking steps toward center modernization. Encouragingly, more than half (57 percent) have moved at least one application to the cloud and nearly half (44 percent) have closed at least one data center.