Today, MeriTalk launches MeriTV, a new platform delivering news and commentary on today’s mission-critical government IT challenges.
From AI and automation to FedRAMP and FITARA to TIC and workforce, MeriTV will cover the topics that matter most to government IT and program managers. The MeriTV program lineup includes in-depth explorations of hot-button issues, one-on-one conversations with government and industry experts, and weekly roundups of the latest happenings in government IT.
“We created MeriTV to meet the needs of government and industry today,” said Steve O’Keeffe, MeriTalk founder. “Our status quo may be remote work and virtual gatherings, but we still need in-person engagement and real dialogue. MeriTV fills that need – and, importantly, will help us all to get to know the new IT and program leaders in the Biden administration.”
Tune in today to the inaugural episode, which explores government’s technology priorities through the lens of the COVID-19 pandemic and highlights new research, “Building Resilience Through Innovation: Government Pandemic Insights for a Safer America.” The research, conducted by MeriTalk, ACT-IAC, and the Partnership for Public Service, informs policy recommendations on how government can successfully move forward post pandemic.
In today’s episode, Dave Wennergren, CEO of ACT-IAC, Katie Malague, vice president for government effectiveness at the Partnership for Public Service, and Alexis Bonnel, a senior business executive at Google Cloud and former chief innovation officer at the U.S. Agency for International Development, dive deep into the priorities, aspirations, and pain points of Federal IT executives and mission owners as they plan for a more resilient future.
Join us today, and check out the MeriTV program lineup as it rolls out over the next few weeks.