The National Security Agency and Central Security Service inducted five new individuals to the NSA/CSS Hall of Honor on Nov. 28, according to a Dec. 7 NSA/CSS press release. The inductees–Richard L. Bernard, Seymour R. Cray, Michael J. Jacobs, Hilda Faust Mathieu, and Whitney E. Reed–were honored for their “significant and enduring contributions to American cryptology-making and breaking codes-through their innovative leadership, creativity, and advocacy.” During his opening remarks at the ceremony, Gen. Paul M. Nakasone, commander of U.S. Cyber Command, director of NSA, and chief of CSS, said “In the 55-year history of NSA, more than 100,000 [employees] have crossed this threshold, but only 89 are recognized on our Hall of Honor. We honor them because everything we do today was built upon the shoulders of [those] who laid the foundation. They are all giants in our once-silent world of cryptology.”