Data will win out for the United States in establishing domain awareness – not just in cyberspace, but in other combat spaces as well – top-level military commanders said today during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing.
“We’re advocating for investment in all domain awareness, to generate a layered sensor grid and a layered defense approach that emphasizes the use of an open-sensor data architecture and machine- enhanced processing in order to achieve information dominance and decision superiority,” said Gen. Glen VanHerck, commander of U.S. Northern Command and North American Aerospace Defense Command.
“Through information dominance, we will grant decision makers increased decision space and build flexible response options to deter, deny, and defeat every threat to the United States and Canada,” he said.
Gen. VanHerck emphasized giving decision makers deterrence capabilities beyond the foundation of nuclear deterrence by establishing information dominance using AI and machine learning technologies.
“I’m a believer that in the future of competition, crisis, and conflict – he or she with the data and the information will win,” said Gen. VanHerck. He added that for improved defense capabilities, the U.S. must start taking advantage of data and information going forward.
Elsewhere during the hearing, the persistent threat of Russian and Chinese cyber intrusions was front of mind for the senators and witnesses. Adm. Craig Fuller, Commander of the U.S. Southern Command, said it will take a combined effort to deter espionage and cyber intrusions.
“These efforts have got to require a whole of government – whole world – approach where we offer safe technology and safe, affordable solutions moving forward,” Adm. Faller said. “For our part, we’ve really participated with U.S. Special Operations Command in standing up appropriate information capabilities to counter the information space.”