Leaders of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs (HSGAC) Emerging Threats and Spending Oversight (ETSO) Subcommittee have debuted legislation to put in place stricter export controls to prevent adversary nations from gaining access to “sensitive technologies” – like artificial intelligence – created by U.S.-based firms.
The Export Controls Enforcement Improvement Act – introduced by ETSO Chair Maggie Hassan, D-N.H., and Ranking Member Mitt Romney, R-Utah, on Tuesday – would formally establish the Export Enforcement Coordination Center (E2C2) within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to stop unlawful exports to China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea.
“We must prevent our adversaries from acquiring and misusing American-developed technology,” Sen. Hassan said in an April 9 statement. “This bipartisan legislation will strengthen export controls by boosting resources for the detection, investigation, and prevention of potential export violations.”
The legislation would formally establish and promote consistent staffing levels for the E2C2, which would be tasked with focusing enforcement efforts on sensitive technologies involving semiconductors, AI, and quantum tech.
“Export controls are a key national security tool to protect American technology from being acquired and used by our adversaries,” said Sen. Romney. “The United States leads the world in technological innovation and countries like China, Russia, and Iran go to great lengths to acquire our sensitive technologies, like semiconductors and artificial intelligence – often in contravention of U.S. export controls. Our legislation would ensure that the interagency Export Enforcement Coordination Center has the resources it needs to effectively lead export controls enforcement and coordination efforts.”
The E2C2 was established under DHS in a 2010 Obama administration executive order. It currently sits within DHS’s Immigration and Custom’s Enforcement Homeland Security Investigations Global Trade and Investigations division.
The Export Controls Enforcement Improvement Act would grant DHS $25 million in fiscal year 2025 to formally establish and staff the E2C2.
The legislation also would require an assessment of the value of increasing the number of law enforcement officials posted in foreign countries focused on export controls, and support coordination with the private sector to ensure U.S. companies are aware of the latest threats and risks of transshipment.