The Senate Judiciary Committee is ready to markup S. 2785, the DETER Act, on Thursday. The legislation, not to be confused with the identically named S. 2313, would make “improper interference in U.S. elections” a reason to bar someone from entering the United States. The bill has bipartisan support with both Sens. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., serving as cosponsors. According to the legislation’s text, “Improper interference in a U.S. election is conduct by an alien that: (1) violates Federal criminal, voting rights, or campaign finance law, or is under the direction of a foreign government; and (2) interferes with any general or primary Federal, state, or local election or caucus, including a candidate’s campaign or a ballot measure.” The Senate Judiciary Committee will meet at 10 a.m. on Thursday for an executive business meeting, which will be live streamed.