With nearly a month of quarantine under our belts, hopefully, everyone has settled into the new normal of teleworking. As our offices have moved into our homes, many have gained some new four-legged coworkers – and we want to see them!
Does your furry coworker love you being home or are they annoyed that nap time has been disrupted with your Zoom calls? Has your pet photobombed a video call or are they continuing on with business as usual and sleeping the day away?
Regardless of whether they are your new favorite coworker or your new office frenemy for constantly demanding pets – we want to see your four-legged, feathered, or finned coworkers hard at work (or fast asleep).
Post your pictures to Twitter with the hashtag #Telepetting and tag us (@MeriTalk). Or send us an email at telepetting@meritalk.com. Being stuck inside can be a little stressful, but the company of man and woman’s best friend can make it a little easier. So, send your photos in and we’ll share the best here. We can beat the quarantine blues with some adorable photos of everyone’s new coworkers.