The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is looking to streamline healthcare delivery for the roughly nine million veterans it serves through the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). As part of its modernization efforts, the VA is seeking a cloud-based Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) mobile app for patient check-in.
In a Dec. 15 solicitation posted on Beta.Sam.gov, the VA said it is looking for an app that is designed especially for the healthcare industry. To help modernize the VA to a Software as a Service (SaaS) delivery model, the VA said that the VHA is seeking a viable solution that easily allows for the transferability of data from one commercial vendor to another.
The posting also said that the eventual contractor will be required to deliver a COTS software mobile application that has been configured to be fully compatible with the Cerner Millennium Platform and Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA). The posting also indicated that the VA has earmarked $30 million for the solution.
Before deploying the new solution across its entire healthcare system, the VA said it anticipates running two small-scale pilot programs in Spokane, Wash., and Martinsburg, Va. As part of the pilots, the eventual contractor will be required to provide training to VA staff at the two facilities. The VA said it estimates that the two pilot programs will run for 90-120 days as the agency gathers data for a feasibility evaluation and success metrics.
The VA also said that the new solution must be Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) certified at a minimum moderate risk level by the start of the contract. The VA noted that the contract will consist of a 12-month base period with three, 12-month option periods.
Submissions are due by Jan. 5, 2021, and the VA anticipates awarding the contract on Jan. 29, 2021.