An Office of Personnel Management (OPM) spokesperson confirmed to MeriTalk that Margaret Weichert, OPM’s Acting Director, has accepted an invitation from the House Oversight and Reform Committee’s Government Operations Subcommittee to testify at a hearing to examine the Trump administration’s plan to reorganize OPM.
The Trump administration’s proposal to reorganize OPM is certain to face strong criticism at the hearing from Rep. Connolly, who asked Weichert in a letter to provide the subcommittee with documentation of the plan to “dismantle” OPM by transferring its background investigations function to the Department of Defense, shift its human resources, retirement, and healthcare functions to the General Services Administration, and subsume its policy functions under the Executive Office of the President. He also asked Weichert to detail what parts of the reorganization could be accomplished under existing authorities, and which would require congressional action.