Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy
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Kemba Walden, Principal Deputy National Cyber Director, Office of the National Cyber Director

Former Acting National Cyber Director (NCD) Kemba Walden said on Thursday that the current sector-by-sector assignment of critical infrastructure areas by U.S. regulators is handicapping the Federal government and hindering nationwide cyber resilience. […]

Critical infrastructure

Aging critical infrastructure is impacting how Federal officials are preparing to respond to cyberattacks and damage to that infrastructure from environmental disasters, with collaborate approaches and response plans key to that preparedness effort.   […]

EPA Environmental Protection Agency

In response to a probe from the Government Accountability Office (GAO), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says it plans to release a national cybersecurity strategy for the water sector in January 2025. […]

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released guidance on Thursday aimed at helping Federal agencies, critical infrastructure owners and operators, and other government and private sector stakeholders with their critical infrastructure security and resilience efforts. […]


Pro-Russia hacktivists are targeting and compromising small-scale operational technology (OT) systems in North American and European critical infrastructure sectors – including water and wastewater systems (WWS), dams, energy, and food and agriculture – according to a joint fact sheet released today by leading Federal cyber agencies. […]

Jen Easterly, CISA at Billington Cybersecurity Summit

Two of the Federal government’s top cybersecurity officials praised a new White House report this week that offers four recommendations to fortify the resilience of the nation’s critical infrastructure – including establishing performance goals and ramping up funding for agencies that oversee the sectors. […]

The much-anticipated $1 trillion Senate bipartisan infrastructure bill unveiled on August 1 shows big cybersecurity funding wins for state and local governments with a $1 billion for a cybersecurity grant program, and electric utilities that will be receiving $1.25 billion through a cybersecurity grant program to protect the electric grid. […]

capitol washington dc senate house congress-min

Recent hacks on localities’ water supply have shown the importance of cybersecurity in the water infrastructure. Witnesses sounded the alarm about water infrastructure cybersecurity and called for training and funding investments at a July 21 Senate Environment and Public Works Committee hearing. […]

capitol washington dc senate house congress-min

The Senate Budget Committee’s agreement reached late July 13 on a $3.5 trillion “soft” infrastructure funding package will help pave the way for Congress to consider the $1.2 trillion bipartisan compromise infrastructure agreement reached last month between the White House and a group of ten senators from both parties. […]

President Biden

President Biden said today he was “optimistic” after speaking with Russian President Vladimir Putin about the United States government’s expectations for cooperation from Russia in the event of ransomware attacks that emanate from Russian territory. […]

President Biden

President Biden on June 26 pledged his support for a separate voting track in Congress for legislation containing a $1.2 trillion compromise infrastructure agreement that the White House reached last week with a bipartisan group of senators. […]

An infrastructure deal reached today by the White House and a bipartisan group of senators features a potentially huge Federal funding bump for cybersecurity as part of a larger “resiliency” section of the agreement, although details of the scope of the cybersecurity portion remain murky until further information about the plan becomes public. […]

With the focus turning to securing critical infrastructure and a backdrop of an increased number of cyberattacks, a survey of the cybersecurity in the water and waste management sector shows a number of facilities with incomplete cybersecurity programs, the Water Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ISAC) found in an April 2021 study. […]


The Biden administration is pushing hard to help fight the rise of ransomware attacks on private industry, and the White House is taking steps on multiple fronts to work with the private sector to combat the issue. […]

Joe Biden

The continued flurry of high-profile ransomware attacks on critical infrastructure targets in the United States is climbing the ladder of presidential priorities – with President Biden saying it’s on the agenda for his summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin later this month, and White House officials confirming that cryptocurrency will be part of a new examination of global corruption. […]

The Biden administration is publicly demonstrating its willingness to lend Federal help to respond to a variety of ransomware assaults against critical infrastructure sectors – the latest involving a cyberattack against JBS USA, the world’s largest meatpacker, that forced the company reportedly to shut down nine of its plants. […]

White House

Action on the Biden administration’s $1.7 trillion infrastructure spending proposal that debuted in late March as the $2.3 trillion American Jobs Plan is sliding well into June as the White House and Republican senators have traded offers and counteroffers on the legislation, but still remain deeply divided on the scope of the bill and its price tag. […]


Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on March 31 previewed six “sprints” planned by DHS and its Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) component throughout 2021 to bolster Federal cybersecurity across a range of areas including ransomware, industrial control system (ICS) security, and workforce development. […]

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