Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

While House Government Operations Subcommittee members offered no firm direction on how they may try to further evolve the FITARA Scorecard, their discussions with witnesses at the April 16 hearing on version 11.0 of the scorecard issued last December brought to light a variety of Federal agency IT concerns that might come into play. […]


The FITARA 11.0 scorecard released in December 2020 turned out to be a pretty good report card for Federal agency IT operations. The latest set of grades marked just the second time since the House Oversight and Reform Committee started measuring agency progress against Federal Information Technology Reform Act (FITARA) and other key metrics that every agency received a passing score. […]

The top members of the House Government Operations Subcommittee indicated today that Federal IT modernization – and the role that the newly expanded Technology Modernization Fund (TMF) can play in furthering that goal – loom large in their thinking as they consider the House Oversight and Reform Committee’s ongoing tracking of Federal agency IT improvements via the FITARA Scorecard. […]


Will Federal agencies’ use of the Technology Modernization Fund (TMF) become a feature of the FITARA Scorecard that the House Oversight and Reform Committee issues twice a year to grade agency progress on IT modernization and efficiency? […]


While most Federal agencies hung steady with their FITARA (Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act) Scorecard grades for the final half of 2020, the inclusion of one new grading category helped to shake up overall grades – and will continue to do so for the next couple of years. […]

With one of the most abnormal years of our lifetimes coming to an end, we look back at the top Fed IT moments of 2020. In a year with both a pandemic and an election, the government had to change the way it worked, ensure trust in election outcomes, and modernize on the fly. […]


Topline results in the 11th edition of the FITARA Scorecard issued today show more agencies declining than improving. But a deeper look into the scorecard shows that agencies are mostly holding steady, and that grading trends are mainly related to changes with how the House Oversight and Reform Committee scores agencies and their IT progress. […]


Most of the largest Federal agencies hung steady with their grading in the latest edition of the FITARA (Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act) Scorecard issued by the House Oversight and Reform Committee on Tuesday, although five agencies saw their grades decline versus only three agencies that notched higher scores. […]

Capitol snow day winter-min

Shane Barney, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at the Department of Homeland Security’s U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) component, on Sept. 1 credited increased use of data automation for improving security operation center (SOC) operations at the agency. […]

Ten report cards deep into its five-year history, it’s clear that the House Oversight and Reform Committee’s Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) Scorecard has succeeded in its overarching mission – helping to shape Federal agency IT performance for the better. […]


Officials with several leading Federal IT service providers applauded government agency grades on last week’s FITARA Scorecard, but also suggested a range of grading category adjustments for the scorecard to better track where agency performance should be going in the future. […]


The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) earned an “A” grade on the tenth version of the FITARA Scorecard issued this week by the House Oversight and Reform Committee, according to amended data provided by the Government Operations Subcommittee on August 4. […]

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) said in a report released August 3 that Federal agencies still need to take action on about one-fifth of the cybersecurity recommendations that GAO has issued over the past ten years, and warned of increasing security risks until agencies address them. […]

Federal government IT and its ability to deliver vital services to citizens is often said to be one of the few notably bipartisan issues left in Congress, and that sentiment was on clear display as the House Government Operations Subcommittee unveiled its tenth FITARA Scorecard at a public hearing on August 3. […]

Deputy Federal CIO Maria Roat, who began in her current position eight weeks ago after serving as CIO at the Small Business Administration (SBA) during the hectic initial upswing of the coronavirus pandemic, discussed the fast pace of modernization efforts at Federal agencies in recent months, and how critical funding is to keep those efforts going. […]

Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va., chairman of the House Government Operations Subcommittee, sounded an upbeat tone on the FITARA Scorecard issued by the House Oversight and Reform Committee today, but pointed to more work that needs to be done across the government and in Congress to spur further IT modernization. […]


The General Services Administration (GSA) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) took top marks on the House Oversight and Reform Committee’s FITARA Scorecard 10.0 released by the Government Operations Subcommittee today.
The General Services Administration (GSA) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) took top marks on the House Oversight and Reform Committee’s FITARA Scorecard 10.0 released by the Government Operations Subcommittee today. […]


The tenth version of the FITARA Scorecard released today shows that changes to agencies’ data center optimization initiative (DCOI) and cybersecurity efforts were leading factors in whether their overall grades changed since the previous scorecard. […]

Deputy Federal CIO Maria Roat, Education Department CIO Jason Gray, and Office of Personnel Management CIO Clare Martorana top the witness list for the House Government Operations Subcommittee’s Aug. 3 hearing to release the tenth version of the House Oversight and Reform Committee’s Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) Scorecard. The hearing will begin at 2 p.m. Eastern time. […]


The House Government Operations Subcommittee plans to hold a hearing July 30 to discuss the upcoming tenth version of the Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) scorecard that is issued every six months by the House Oversight and Reform Committee. […]

Last night, five Federal agency CIOs and their senior staff members brought home awards and well-earned praise for raising their Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) Scorecard grades at MeriTalk’s FITARA Awards (LINK) ceremony. […]
