Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

As the Federal government continues to execute on fundamental shifts in network security strategies like the move to zero trust architectures, agency tech leaders are emphasizing the need to push back against the status quo of established technology thinking. […]

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Pentagon Military Defense DoD

Ensuring a strong cyber posture against current and anticipated threats across the Department of Defense (DoD) has become an increasingly important priority as evidenced by the Pentagon’s release of the DoD Zero Trust Framework Strategy and Roadmap last month, an agency official said. […]

DoD Pentagon Military

The Department of Defense (DoD) today released its long-anticipated zero trust strategy and roadmap outlining how the agency plans to fully implement a department-wide zero trust cybersecurity framework by fiscal year (FY) 2027. “What is significant about the strategy is that the strategy makes zero trust tangible and achievable while recognizing a dynamic and frankly, […]


Federal cybersecurity experts explained at a Nov. 8 ATARC event that the road to zero trust security is a long and often bumpy journey that their agencies at still learning to navigate, despite some being in the game for several years now. […]


The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) is well prepared to meet the Department of Defense’s (DoD) 2027 zero trust architecture goal, officials said on Nov. 7 at a DISA press conference. […]

Pentagon Military Defense DoD
healthcare cyber-min
DoD Pentagon Military

The Department of Defense (DoD) plans to release in the coming days a detailed strategy for its ambitious department-wide zero trust security strategy, said Randy Resnick, director of Zero Trust Portfolio Management at DoD, during FCW’s CDM Summit event on Nov. 2. […]

Pentagon Military Defense DoD

The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) is moving closer to completing its Thunderdome project – DISA’s zero trust security model – by the target date of January 2023, but the agency still faces the challenge of scaling it across Defense Department (DoD) networks, an agency official said. […]


Federal agencies are engaged in “a tremendous amount of work” to meet requirements to move to zero trust security architecture as laid out in President Biden’s cybersecurity executive order issued last year, even as some agencies are struggling with initial steps to begin that transition, a top Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) official said Wednesday. […]


The term zero trust is often used as a buzzword, but Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Chief Information Officer (CIO) Kurt DelBene said a successful organization will prioritize security above all else, and have zero trust baked into its workforce culture. […]

A new survey of several hundred cybersecurity professionals reveals that nearly two-thirds of their organizations are considering alternatives to virtual private network (VPN) infrastructure for providing remote access because of the technology’s vulnerability to sophisticated cyber attacks. At the same time, the vast majority of those organizations are moving to adopt zero trust security architectures to improve security. […]

Pentagon Military Defense DoD

The Department of Defense’s (DoD) new zero trust strategy outlines 90 capabilities that will help the department bring to bear its “targeted” zero trust framework across the entire department, said DoD Chief Information Officer (CIO) John Sherman. […]

The Pentagon is a very large building that houses a lot of the authorities for the U.S. Military. It's big. This photo doesn't do it justice, but they're kinda rightly concerned about people flying drones around there.
General Services Administration GSA

Lawrence Hale, who recently took over as Acting Deputy Assistant Commissioner for Category Management, Office of Information Technology Category at the General Services Administration’s (GSA) Federal Acquisition Service, explained today that his office’s fiscal year 2023 priorities focus on helping Federal agencies work toward easier cloud service adoption and continued progress in zero trust security migration.  […]

Randy Resnick, Director of the Zero Trust Portfolio Management Office within the Defense Department’s (DoD) CIO office, laid out the broad strokes of DoD’s zero trust security plans during a presentation on August 23 at the 930GOV event organized by Digital Government Institute. […]


As Federal agencies continue to build out zero trust architectures, they are increasingly focused on a critical component of any zero trust strategy: identity, credential, and access management (ICAM) solutions. […]


The Federal government has come a long way with implementing zero trust security architectures, but Federal chief information officers (CIOs) and chief information security officers (CISOs) hope the future of zero trust is “instinctive,” and something that is naturally baked into agencies’ programming. […]

Cloud Computing Brainstorm 2019 - Sean Connelly

A senior Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) official provided an update this week on agency-level activity in their migration toward zero trust security architectures mandated by President Biden’s 2021 cybersecurity executive order and subsequent guidance documents issued by CISA and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). […]

The cultural and mindset shifts required to advance the migration by Federal agencies to zero trust security architectures are proving to be among the more stubborn areas of change in that sweeping effort, according to Angel Phaneuf, Chief Information Security Officer, at the U.S. Army Software Factory. […]

The Federal government’s march toward zero trust security architectures is well underway with guidance documents from several agencies. And while that guidance is crucial, Federal agencies cannot confine themselves only to the practices described in them, Federal experts said during an ATARC event on August 9. […]

Gerald Caron, chief information officer (CIO) and assistant inspector general (IG) for information technology at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), said this week that sustainability and continuous authentication are two of the keys to creating a robust identity and access management (IAM) strategy as part of how Federal agencies move to comply with President Biden’s 2021 cybersecurity executive order that requires migration to zero trust security architectures. […]


Angelica Phaneuf, Chief Information Security Officer at the Army Software Factory, explained some of the steps that her organization has been taking to meet the needs of zero trust security mandates at an August 2 event entitled Securing Identity in a Zero Trust Environment and hosted by Federal News Network. […]

Pentagon Military Defense DoD

The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) announced an extension of its Thunderdome Prototype zero trust security project, increasing the total length of the pilot program to 12 months with a new  expected completion date in January 2023. […]

Ken Myers, the chief Federal ICAM Architect at the General Services Administration (GSA), explained today that the Federal Identity, Credential, and Access Management (FICAM) Architecture has similar goals to the Federal zero trust architecture (ZTA) strategy, with both of them emphasizing identity. […]

