The Energy Department is funding five artificial intelligence projects totaling an $8.5 million investment in accessible and reusable AI research and development (R&D), per an August 10 announcement. […]
When it comes to the security of sensitive information in the energy sector, collaboration between the Department of Energy, intelligence community, and private sector are foundational to these efforts, Senior Advisor at the Office of Policy for Cybersecurity, Energy Security, & Emergency Response Alexander Gates said. […]
The Departments of Veteran Affairs (VA), Health and Human Services (HHS), and Energy are partnering on a new initiative to share COVID-19 health data to enable the research and expertise on the virus. […]
Federal IT has earned the status of lifesaver in the COVID-19 pandemic for its ability to deliver vital services to citizens in times of crisis. MeriTalk is chronicling those successes – along with lessons for the future as agencies turn to the next generation of service improvements. In this edition of CIO Crossroads, we examine the Department of Energy four months into the fray. […]
The Department of Energy (DOE) on July 24 announced America’s Blueprint for the Quantum Internet to further quantum research in the Federal space with private sector collaboration. In February 2020, DOE’s Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research hosted the Quantum Internet Blueprint Workshop where representatives from DOE National Labs, universities, industry, and other U.S. agencies […]
The Department of Energy (DoE) Inspector General (IG) warned in a July 6 summary of findings that department’s Office of Science lacked proper peripheral device security, leaving the agency exposed to the possibility of network compromise. […]
In draft Fiscal Year 2021 funding legislation for the Department of Energy (DOE) released today, the House Appropriations Committee increased cybersecurity funding and vowed to save the Advanced Research Projects Agency—Energy (ARPA-E). […]
The Department of Energy (DoE) kicked off Phase 1 of its agency reopening plan on June 1 as part of a slow but steady approach to reopening its offices. […]
The recently established Artificial Intelligence and Technology Office (AITO) at the Department of Energy (DOE) expressed interest in hosting sector-specific grand challenges that advance AI tech innovation to support U.S. AI leadership, per a June 10 request for information (RFI). […]
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) said that H.R. 5428, the Grid Modernization Research and Development Act of 2019, would cost the United States $1.2 billion over the next five years if enacted. […]
The same day that the United States’ Department of Energy and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency teamed up to release an infographic of best practices for industrial control systems, their counterparts across the pond released their guidance. […]
The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) is advancing Federally-funded research on COVID-19 including research using supercomputers to run simulations. […]
An executive order issued May 1 by President Trump declares a national emergency regarding the threat posed by “the unrestricted acquisition or use” in the U.S. of bulk-power system electric equipment made by “foreign adversaries,” and lays the groundwork for the government to ban the use of that equipment going forward. […]
House Science, Space, and Technology Committee Ranking Member Frank Lucas, R-Okla., introduced legislation April 23 to support the Federal research enterprise’s ability to fight COVID-19 and other infectious diseases. […]
The Department of Energy (DoE) has moved the vast majority of its workforce – 85 percent – to telework to help stem the spread of COVID-19, a DoE official confirmed to MeriTalk. […]
The $2 trillion measure approved by the Senate last night to help stimulate the flagging U.S. economy and respond to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic will provide hefty increases to the budgets of numerous Federal agencies with major roles in pandemic response and mitigation. […]
As more Federal employees transition to telework to combat the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus, agencies are facing massive network strains. At the Department of Energy (DOE), they are considering staggering work schedules to spread out network traffic. […]
Dimitri Kusnezov, deputy undersecretary for artificial intelligence (AI) and technology at the Department of Energy (DoE), revealed that the department relies on data workflows to make high-risk and mission critical decisions. […]
In a report released Feb. 25, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) said that “most” of nine agencies tasked with protecting the 16 critical infrastructure sectors “have not developed methods to determine the level and type of adoption of the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity.” […]
Sean Plankey, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Cybersecurity, Energy, Security, and Emergency Response (CESER) at the Department of Energy (DoE), today outlined solutions to cybersecurity skills gaps in the industrial controls sector as security for that sector continues to change from older “manual-mode” methods to more modern technologies. […]
Department of Energy (DoE) Secretary Dan Brouillette announced in a Feb. 13 memo that Karen Evans will leave her post as assistant secretary for Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response (CESER). She will be succeeded by Alexander Gates. […]
The House Science, Space, and Technology Committee approved two bills on Feb. 12 to harden the U.S. electric grid against cyberattacks. […]
Cheryl Ingstad was sworn in as the first Director of the Artificial Intelligence & Technology Office (AITO) within the Department of Energy (DOE) on Feb. 4. […]
Maryann Feldman, an official helping to lead a congressionally-mandated effort to evaluate the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and the Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs, said at a Feb. 5 House Science, Space, and Technology subcommittee hearing that the first SBIR assessment will be released in March. […]
The Departments of Energy (DOE), Homeland Security (DHS), and Defense (DoD) announced Feb. 3 a collaborative initiative to prepare for and respond to cyberattacks on critical energy infrastructure, in part by putting energy infrastructure threat response plans to the test. […]
The Department of Energy’s (DoE) Office of Science announced its plan to invest up to $625 million in establishing National Quantum Information Science Research Centers in accordance with the National Quantum Initiative Act, according to a Jan. 10 funding opportunity announcement. […]
The Departments of Agriculture (USDA), Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and Energy are the first three agencies to begin paying back Technology Modernization Fund (TMF) grants, representatives from each agency confirmed to MeriTalk. […]
The Department of Energy has taken the steps necessary to implement the 2015 Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act, the department’s inspector general (IG) said. […]
The House Science, Space, and Technology Subcommittee on Energy on Dec. 19 passed the Grid Modernization Research and Development Act of 2019. […]
While improving the management of data across agencies is an ongoing challenge for Federal agencies, leveraging geospatial data as a strategic asset is turning into an area of opportunity for the Departments of Energy and Transportation (DoT), officials from both agencies said on Dec. 17. […]