The General Services Administration (GSA) and the Department of Labor (DOL) are partnering on a new artificial intelligence (AI) Centers of Excellence (CoE) initiative. […]
While the Department of Labor (DOL) has consistently complied with Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) standards, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) reported on Dec. 23 that the agency’s information security program is, overall, ineffective. […]
Despite the passage of the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act, the Department of Labor (DoL) is providing low funding for evaluation activities compared to previous years, according to documents obtained by the Data Coalition. […]
The Department of Labor (DoL) is making progress on its goal to take an enterprise approach to department administration, especially when it comes to IT, according to a Q3 Fiscal Year 2019 update to the agency’s priority goal posted on September 19. […]
Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., argued in favor of the U.S. placing more emphasis on preparing the workforce for IT fields through certification programs, in remarks at the Department of Labor’s Federal IT Day on Thursday, May 16. […]
During the Federal IT Day event at the U.S. Department of Labor, reimaging what it takes to develop a workforce focused on IT and reskilling the current workforce were heavily emphasized in topics of discussion. […]
The Department of Labor (DOL) on March 13 announced creation of a Chief Data Officer (CDO) position in accordance with the OPEN Government Data Act, which includes directing the heads of each Federal agency to “designate a nonpolitical appointee employee in the agency as the CDO of the agency.” […]
The Department of Labor on Dec. 27 released a request for information on a proposal for a new financial management system, with an eye towards a potential move to the cloud and data analytics capabilities. Responses are due by 11 AM on January 16. […]
The newest round of Technology Modernization Fund (TMF) awards came after the TMF board reviewed more than 40 proposals from agencies looking to win funds from the program, according to Federal Deputy CIO Margie Graves. […]
CGI Federal has won a task order worth an estimated $530 million to provide services under the Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) Program to CDM’s Group C Federal agencies, a CGI spokesperson confirmed today. […]
The White House isn’t doing enough to address in a public forum a range of artificial intelligence issues and needs to institute a public process to seek comments on AI-related issues, said a group of six industry groups and more than 80 individuals from academia and the private sector in a July 4 letter to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP). […]
Welcome to MeriTalk News Briefs, where we bring you all the day’s action that didn’t quite make the headlines. No need to shout about ‘em, but we do feel that they merit talk. […]
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) issued a report Thursday that found many Federal agencies are not entirely up to speed in classifying members of their cybersecurity workforce, although many of them have traveled well down the road toward compliance. […]
The current cybersecurity workforce shortage in the United States is daunting and only due to get worse over the next few years, the Departments of Commerce (DoC) and Homeland Security (DHS) reported to President Trump in a document released Wednesday. […]
The Department of Labor’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) said the agency needs to improve in two key legislative areas related to IT management, according to OIG’s semiannual report released Tuesday and covering October 2017 through March 2018. […]
Federal agencies might not meet the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) data center closure goals, according to a new Government Accountability Office (GAO) report. Based on current projections, only 7,221 of the 12,062 data centers that agencies reported in August 2017 will be closed by September of this year. […]
The Department of Labor gave the NOVA Workforce Board $1,660,430 to continue its effort to provide re-employment and training services to workers affected by layoffs and closures at 70 companies in Silicon Valley. […]
The Department of Labor announced the availability of about $5.7 million in grants for its Workforce Data Quality Initiative. The agency plans to award approximately three grants to eligible State Workforce Agencies to provide for the development or enhancement of a state workforce database. […]
Managers within some Federal agencies have demonstrated resistance to telework programs, according to a recent Government Accountability Office report. […]
The Department of Labor announced the availability of a grant for organizations to teach STEM skills to Native Hawaiian and Alaskan Native youth and young adults. […]
Agency procurement officials need training tools related to purchasing accessible technology, according to a report by the Department of Labor. […]
The Department of Labor and Amazon announced that they are creating an apprenticeship program to train veterans for technology careers at Amazon. […]
The U.S. Labor Department filed a lawsuit seeking to ban Google from receiving any government contracts unless it turns over information on thousands of its employees. […]
The White House announced the creation of 29 tools Thursday that use Federal and local data to address problems identified by Federal agencies as part of the Opportunity Project, an open data effort to improve economic mobility for all Americans. […]
Dawn Leaf, who served in the Department of Labor since 2012, announced her retirement as chief information officer on Sept. 5. Her last day will be Sept. 30. […]
Your job may end up being done by a computer in the not-so-distant future, according to participants in a White House-hosted discussion. The discussion addressed how the future of automation can provide many social and economic advantages, but could also be a major disadvantage for those who would lose their jobs to robots. […]
Federal agencies are embracing more cloud deployment models as they become more comfortable with cloud computing and their options multiply. “Our default is absolutely public cloud,” said John Skudlarek, deputy chief information officer (CIO) at the Federal Communications Commission. “We get the scalability we want. We get the flexibility we want, and most importantly we […]