The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has released guidance outlining security measures for critical software and minimum standards for vendors’ testing of their software source code as part of the agency’s assignments under the Biden administration’s executive order (EO) on cybersecurity. […]
The White House announced today it will nominate National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) veteran Laurie Locascio to serve as the next under secretary of Standards and Technology for the Department of Commerce. The post typically comes with a dual-title of NIST Director. […]
The National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) is looking to develop practices that will ease the migration from public-key cryptographic algorithms to replacement algorithms that are resistant to quantum computer-based attacks. […]
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is looking for parties to help the agency create a request for information (RFI) that would look to examine China’s role in setting international standards around emerging technology, according to a May 12 sources sought notice posted to […]
The National Science Foundation (NSF) is kicking off a new initiative with Federal and private partnerships to accelerate research in areas that affect Next-Generation (NextG) networking and computing systems, NSF announced April 27. […]
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is seeking information on a contractor that can provide cybersecurity research, development, and implementation support services and subject matter expertise on task areas of various priority levels. […]
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) intends to negotiate a firm-fixed priced purchase order for collaborative governmentwide blockchain research support services. […]
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) created a Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT) Profile using its Cybersecurity Framework that can be used as part of a risk management framework to assist organizations in managing risk to systems, networks, and assets that use PNT services. […]
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has issued a Special Publication (SP) to help organizations protect sensitive information on different electronic systems from state-sponsored hacking. […]
Federal government officials involved in the development of quantum information science (QIS) agreed this week that quantum encryption standards currently being worked on by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) are needed to set some “rules of the road” for further development of the technology. […]
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is seeking comment on Draft Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 201-3 Personal Identity Verification (PIV) of Federal Employees and Contractors Standard that defines common credentials and authentication mechanisms for logical and physical access applications. […]
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released the finalized version of NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-53B on October 29, which updates the security baselines under SP 800-53’s Revision 5 process. […]
The Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is crowdsourcing for answers on how to apply differential privacy solutions to complex data sets regarding public safety, and is dangling $276,000 in cash prizes to jumpstart the effort. […]
The bias and ethics of artificial intelligence application are still being worked out on a case-by-case basis, and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) IT Lab Chief of Staff Elham Tabassi said yesterday that an assessment process to minimize harm is not necessarily in the near future. […]
To combat phishing attacks that could crumble an entire agency’s cybersecurity safeguards at one employee’s incorrect click, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has launched a new method to understand why individuals fall for the malicious links. […]
On Sept. 23, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released a “historic” update to its flagship security and privacy guidance, Special Publication (SP) 800-53, Security and Privacy Controls for Information Systems and Organizations. […]
The White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy and the National Institute of Standards and Technology announced members of the steering committee for the Quantum Economic Development Consortium, a group designed to collaborate on research, standards, and workforce initiatives in quantum information science. […]
Reps. Bill Foster, D-Ill., John Katko, R-N.Y., Jim Langevin, D-R.I. and Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga. on Sept. 11 introduced legislation to improve the nation’s digital identity infrastructure. […]
Ron Ross has seen a lot during his 30-year career in cybersecurity, so asking him to pinpoint new cyber threats is a little like asking Tom Brady to talk about a blitz he has not faced during his NFL tenure. […]
While Congress has been slow to act on privacy issues, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is getting out ahead of any Federal legislation when it comes to addressing the matter. […]
A new publication by the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) details how cloud computing is hurting forensic science investigation efforts, and calls for more research into standards and tech that could mitigate those challenges. […]
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is proposing four principles to determine the degree to which decisions made by AI are “explainable,” and hopes that effort helps to jumpstart debate on what should be expected of decision-making technologies. […]
Master’s degree candidates at the University of Indiana at Bloomington has published a review of the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework. […]
To help universities protect COVID-19 research, Reps. Andy Barr, R-Ky., and Frank Lucas, R-Okla., introduced legislation to give those universities and research institutions tools to protect from cyberattacks from foreign cyber actors. […]
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) launched the final version of Special Publication (SP) 800-207 Zero Trust Architecture on August 11. […]
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is looking to gain feedback on Draft NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-53B, Control Baselines for Information Systems and Organizations. […]
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) launched an investigation to see how well facial recognition algorithms could identify people wearing face masks and found that it does so with “great difficulty.” […]
The House Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science (CJS), and Related Agencies approved by voice vote a $71.4 billion funding bill for fiscal year 2021. […]
NIST is seeking comments on draft Special Publication (SP) 800-172, Enhanced Security Requirements for Protecting Controlled Unclassified Information: A Supplement to NIST SP 800-171. […]
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that the Identifying Outputs of Generative Adversarial Networks (IOGAN) Act (S.2904) would cost $6 million between 2020 and 2025. […]