The Department of Transportation hosted a Twitter chat on Monday under the hashtag #OpenDOT to get opinions on the agency’s open data policies. […]
The new rules imposed by the Federal Aviation Administration on drones, regarding height, speed, and operational restrictions, go into effect on Aug. 29. The regulations could generate more than $82 billion for the U.S. economy and create 100,000 jobs over the next 10 years, according to industry estimates. […]
The Department of Transportation has released a smartphone app for the Pocket Guide to Transportation, which includes statistics on the movement of people, the movement of goods, the economy, the environment, and safety. The guide used to be available online and in print form only, but now is available for Apple and Android devices. […]
The Salt Lake City International Airport is setting up Data Comm, a tool that will enable pilots to communicate digitally rather than through voice radio conversations. Data Comm will allow pilots to talk to air traffic controllers through a program that’s similar to text messaging. […]
The Federal Railroad Administration gave $25 million in grants Tuesday to 11 companies to develop software that will help prevent train collisions. […]
Michael Huerta, administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration, announced at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Workshop on Drones and the Future of Aviation that the FAA has commissioned an Unmanned Aircraft Safety Team and a Drone Advisory Committee. […]
The White House announced that it’s collaborating with Federal agencies and private companies to increase the use of electric cars in the United States to combat climate change. […]
Federal agencies need to adopt a standardized taxonomy for their data, according to authors of the report “Accelerating the Mission: Recommendations for Optimizing Federal Technology Cost and Value in the Age of FITARA.” The report proposes a set of Technology Business Management guidelines that would help agencies communicate with each other, Congress, and the private sector more effectively. […]
The introduction of self-driving vehicles could make roads both more and less safe, according to National Transportation Safety Board Chairman Christopher Hart. “The human is the most unreliable part of the system,” he said […]
The Internet of Things will soon transform the way transportation and infrastructure operate in the United States, according to witnesses at the Senate Subcommittee on Surface Transportation and Merchant Marine Infrastructure, Safety, and Security hearing. […]
Columbus, Ohio, is the winner of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DoT) Smart City Challenge and will receive $140 million in new investment to further its initiative. […]
Not enough transit providers are taking advantage of Intelligent Transportation Systems, according to a Government Accountability Office study. “Most small urban and rural transit providers are not using other ITS technologies—such as automatic passenger counters or electronic fare payment—due to the cost of the technologies or because there is no perceived need,” the study said. […]
Rules for drone use took flight on Tuesday after the White House released a set of regulations on the use of these unmanned aerial vehicles. The Federal Aviation Administration’s rules pertain to drones used for hobbies, although the administration also addressed future uses for commercial drones. […]
The winner of the Smart City Challenge will be announced this month. The seven finalists selected in April from a pool of 78 applicants received a $100,000 grant to further build their final proposals. The finalists are Pittsburgh; Columbus, Ohio; Austin; Denver; San Francisco; Portland, Ore., and Kansas City, Mo. […]
As Federal agencies move forward with big data and infrastructure initiatives, “we really have to assume that all of our networks are compromised,” said Ann Dunkin, CIO at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). […]
Self-driving car manufacturers are moving forward too quickly, according to Missy Cummings, the director of Duke University’s Humans and Autonomy Laboratory. She testified alongside four representatives from the motor vehicle industry at the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation committee. […]
The power of FITARA: Transportation Department CIO Richard McKinney this week froze all IT purchases across the agency until component agency chief information officers deliver a strategic spending plan. […]
Just a handful of agencies have accounted for the nearly $2 billion saved by closing Federal data centers through the first five years of the program, according to scorecards distributed by Congress, and that trend is likely to continue. The Treasury Department, Defense Department, Department of Homeland Security, and Commerce Department saved a combined $1.652 […]
The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee’s hearing on the Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) produced some good commentary from members of Congress and witnesses alike. Here are five comments from testimony and the subsequent discussion that provide perspective on the hearing. “I am so grateful to this committee for FITARA. I think […]