Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy
White House

In the midst of developing an executive order on AI to “protect Americans’ rights and safety,” the Biden-Harris administration announced it has secured voluntary commitments from eight additional AI private sector heavyweights. […]

White House flag at half mast

Sens. John Hickenlooper, D-Colo., and Thom Tillis, R-N.C., sent a letter to Acting National Cyber Director Kemba Walden last week, encouraging the White House to provide updates on efforts to reduce artificial intelligence’s potential threat to the nation’s cyber infrastructure. […]


The head of the National Security Agency’s (NSA) data science and artificial intelligence (AI) efforts said that government agencies should consider how to apply AI to cybersecurity operations but warned that they also need to heavily focus on how adversaries will leverage the emerging tool against them. […]

While it’s clear that artificial intelligence (AI) technology is here to stay, a top Defense Department (DoD) tech official said this week that DoD must embrace the technology, but also proceed with caution. […]

Gen. Paul Nakasone, Billington Cybersecurity Summit 2023
Air Force

The Department of the Air Force on Aug. 31 issued a broad agency announcement (BAA) on the development of next-generation artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities to support the Department of Defense’s (DoD) Joint All Domain Command and Control (JADC2) initiative. […]

generative AI, ChatGPT

Nearly 30 agencies published their artificial intelligence (AI) use case inventories for the past year, detailing hundreds of ways the Federal government is leveraging the emerging technology across the globe – ranging from preventing veteran suicide to fighting climate change-induced hurricanes. […]

Nancy Pelosi Chuck Schumer -min

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., is prioritizing funding Federal government operations beyond fiscal year 2023 which ends on Sept. 30, along with kicking off a set of briefings for senators on artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, when the Senate returns to session in Washington on Sept. 6. […]

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is looking to fund up to five new National AI Research Institutes that will specialize in AI for astronomical sciences, AI for discovery in materials research, and strengthening AI technologies, NSF wrote in a recent solicitation. […]

generative AI, ChatGPT
Air Force

The rise of generative AI has sparked a widespread public debate about what this emerging tool may mean for the future of the creative industry. With the lack of concrete AI regulations from Capitol Hill, significant questions have been posed for the future of the nation’s copyright system.  […]

Machine learning AI-min

Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., chair of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, is calling for passage of new “GI bill”-style legislation that would focus on artificial intelligence technologies and make sure that the U.S. workforce receives education and training about the emerging technology.  […]

Sen Mark Warner

As President Biden prepares to release an executive order (EO) on responsible AI, Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., is pushing for action from seven big tech companies that did not participate in the voluntary commitments proposed by the White House that would promote greater AI security and transparency. […]

White House flag at half mast

White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Director Arati Prabhakar and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Director Shalanda Young sent a memo today to heads of Federal agencies on research and development (R&D) priorities for the president’s fiscal year (FY) 2025 budget request – with AI R&D priorities front and center. […]

Army DoD military Defense AI

The Department of Defense (DoD) today announced the establishment of a new generative AI task force – dubbed Task Force Lima – aimed at assessing and integrating generative AI capabilities across the DoD. […]

White House

The Biden-Harris administration is launching a two-year competition that will leverage AI to protect the United States’ most important software – such as code that helps run the internet and critical infrastructure – senior White House officials announced at the opening of the Black Hat USA Conference in Las Vegas today. […]

The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Agency (IARPA) is seeking information on established vulnerabilities and threats that could impact the safe use of large language model (LLM) AI technologies – like ChatGPT – by intelligence analysts. […]

generative AI, ChatGPT
generative AI, ChatGPT

As AI technologies continue to advance at a rapid pace, experts with the technology told members of Congress on July 25 that the United States needs a single regulatory agency that can invest heavily in AI research and put proper safeguards in place. […]


Sens. Edward Markey, D-Mass., and Ted Budd, R-N.C., introduced two pieces of bipartisan legislation this week that would empower the Federal government to better understand the public health security risks of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. […]

Senate hearing Congressional-min

Witnesses at a July 18 House Armed Services subcommittee hearing told lawmakers that artificial intelligence (AI) technologies could pose a significant threat to U.S. national security if foreign adversaries gain the upper hand in developing the rapidly evolving technology. […]


A top artificial intelligence (AI) leader within the U.S. intelligence community (IC) said on July 15 that the IC – which includes a conglomerate of agencies, including big wigs like the CIA and FBI – has been discussing adopting an “AI-First IC” strategy. […]

generative AI, ChatGPT

The White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) has received 491 comments on its recent request for information (RFI) – including from tech giant Google and think tank Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) – to help inform an upcoming National AI Strategy. […]


The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) director sent a memo to agency chief human capitol officers (CHCO) today to help identify key skills and competencies required for positions related to AI within the Federal workforce. […]

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