Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is expanding its use and testing of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies through a new roadmap and trio of pilot projects, the agency said today. […]


As the Department of the Navy looks to enable better and faster decisions for warfighters, Chief Information Officer (CIO) Jane Rathbun said the service branch is infusing AI at the edge to improve decision-making. […]

Reliable weather forecasts can save lives, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is looking to cutting-edge technologies such as AI and cloud computing to improve its forecasting system and models. […]

House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., and Ranking Member Jamie Raskin, D-Md., introduced legislation today which would focus government resources on increasing transparency, oversight, and responsible use of Federal AI systems. […]

capitol washington dc senate house congress-min

The intelligence community (IC) has a data challenge — specifically overflowing streams of data — and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies could be a solution to meeting that challenge. But to leverage that solution the IC needs to format data so that it’s receptive in AI-driven solutions, a top intelligence official said today. […]

Sen. Mark Warner

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has established a two-year partnership with the nonprofit Engineering Biology Research Consortium (EBRC) to secure biotechnologies from risks associated by artificial intelligence (AI) systems. […]

Achieve Zero Vulnerability With Proven Appliance-Based Security

The House of Representatives officially launched its bipartisan Task Force on Artificial Intelligence (AI) today to help move along legislative proposals to regulate the evolving technology. […]

DOJ Department of Justice
Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif.

Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., surfaced a range of fresh opinions on the future of AI policy from economic and academic experts this week as he is working on possible legislation that could provide tax credits to companies developing AI tech as an inducement to give their employees more of a stake in the success of those firms.     […]

Department of Veterans Affairs, VA Health Care Center

The Department of Veterans Affairs needs to take a measured approach to adopting and scaling artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to improve health care of veterans, and inform veterans about how their health information is being used in connection with AI tech, lawmakers said during a Feb. 15 House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs subcommittee oversight hearing. […]

Cyber workforce

Sen. Gary Peters, D-Mich., who chairs the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, has introduced bipartisan legislation that aims to strengthen America’s workforce pipeline in artificial intelligence (AI), cybersecurity, and other critical technologies. […]

U.S. Patent Trademark Office USPTO Commerce
deep fakes, AI

Rep. Yvette Clarke, D-N.Y., issued a call today to her fellow lawmakers to approve artificial intelligence (AI) regulatory legislation that will ensure AI users are protected from harms, especially those in marginalized communities.    […]

Rep. Don Beyer, D-Va., said today he’s hopeful that Congress will work together in a bipartisan way to approve between five and 10 meaningful AI-related bills this year, leveraging a proposed House AI working group to help get that job done. […]


One expert in health-related AI technology warned members of Congress on Feb. 8 that guardrails for the emerging technology will only serve the few organizations that are “already on the AI adoption highway,” and called on lawmakers to invest in underserved communities so all people in the U.S. can benefit from AI in healthcare. […]

FCC, Federal Communications Commission

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) said today it issued a declaratory ruling that bans the use of voice cloning technologies made possible by artificial intelligence in the case of unwanted robocalls to consumers.  […]

White House

Conrad Stosz, the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) director of artificial intelligence and a key player in helping OMB formulate final guidance to Federal agencies on implementing President Biden’s landmark AI executive order (EO), told MeriTalk in an exclusive interview that many public comments on the draft guidance have focused on issues of transparency, consistency, and risk management. […]


The National Science Foundation (NSF) launched its National AI Research Resource (NAIRR) pilot on Jan. 24, and already lawmakers and Feds are optimistic about the program’s ability to serve as a shared national infrastructure to support the AI research community and power responsible AI use. […]

Rep, Don Beyer, Marcus Molinaro

The race to develop regulations for artificial intelligence technologies is on, and members of the House of Representatives are hoping to set up their own AI working group this month to help craft comprehensive regulations. […]

The Department of Defense (DoD) Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office (CDAO) has launched the first of two artificial intelligence (AI) Bias Bounty exercises, the agency announced last week. […]

As artificial intelligence continues to become more widely leveraged, lawmakers introduced a new bill Thursday that aims to better understand the environmental impacts of the technology’s development and use. […]

deep fakes, AI

House lawmakers and industry experts joined together in Los Angeles, Calif., on Feb. 2 to discuss artificial intelligence (AI) and intellectual property, showcasing wide support for the recently introduced No Artificial Intelligence Fake Replicas and Unauthorized Duplications (AI FRAUD) Act. […]

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