The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) posted a job opening for a new chief data officer (CDO) yesterday as a part of its efforts to fulfill key roles in its response to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. […]
Gary Newgaard, Vice President of Public Sector for Pure Storage, has been around Big IT for a while, and has seen a lot. We caught up with Gary last week for an interview in the midst of juggling several different kinds of video conference calls. […]
“Don’t be an April Fool,” reads the slogan for World Backup Day, which takes place on March 31, one day before the facetious holiday. […]
The Federal Data Strategy will bring important changes to how Federal agencies manage and use data, evaluating its value as a strategic asset. To learn more about how the strategy is changing the Federal data landscape, MeriTalk connected with Mark D’Alessandro, Senior Director, Data Center Sales, Dell Technologies, and Kurt Steege, Chief Technology Officer, ThunderCat […]
The Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) Dr. Kelvin Droegemeier continues to collaborate with World Health Organization (WHO) Chief Scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan to address the global impact of COVID-19 and information sharing. […]
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) needs to better consider information collected on non-citizen family members apprehended at the southwestern U.S. border and develop unique identifiers to be shared across DHS component agency data systems to better link family members together, government watchdog said. […]
The Department of Transportation’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG) announced in a March 4 memo that it will conduct an audit of the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) security controls to protect 50 information systems where a breach would have a “catastrophically adverse effect.” […]
Since its 2016 launch, the Opportunity Project, an open-data Federal program that partners public and private organizations to solve tech problems, has completed 100 products via nationwide virtual sprints, Director Drew Zachary announced at a March 3 FCW Citizen Engagement Summit. […]
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) released its 2019 Privacy and Data Security Update that highlighted “a record year for enforcement actions aimed at protecting consumer privacy and data security.” […]
The Federal defense agency responsible for secure communications of national leaders and military operations said Social Security numbers and other personal information may have been compromised in a 2019 data breach. […]
In a recent report, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) would be able to improve and diversify its workforce through improved data collection and analysis capabilities. […]
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released a request for information (RFI) on Feb. 3 looking to modernize its Office of Ethics and Integrity’s (OEI) ethics filing platform. […]
Federal healthcare agencies are pushing forward on modernizing their IT systems with the goal of providing better care and health services for patients, but the journey is anything but short, or easy. […]
Members of Congress and officials from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) discussed the value of data-driven suicide prevention strategies at a Jan. 29 House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs hearing led by committee Chairman Rep. Mark Takano, D-Calif. […]
State Department CIO Stuart McGuigan shared today how an IT oversight council and increased emphasis on data strategies are helping the agency improve effectiveness and efficiency of its services. […]
The National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) released two draft guides on data management and protection in the wake of cyberthreats. […]
The Department of State announced the establishment of a Center for Analytics (CfA) that will be the agency’s first official enterprise-level data and analytics hub. […]
Health-focused government agencies are in a good position to lead implementation of Federal Data Strategy initiatives – such as improving data protection – because of their ongoing investments aimed at that goal, Federal CIO Suzette Kent said Jan. 15 at AFCEA Bethesda Health IT Summit. […]
Federal policymakers have spent an exceptionally busy couple of years staking out new rules – think Federal Data Strategy, Cloud Smart, TIC 3.0, the National AI Initiative, among others – that will lead the government-wide IT enterprise forward into the next decade. […]
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is planning a public meeting to solicit feedback on agencywide data strategy modernization scheduled for March 27. […]
In January, the 2020 U.S. Census officially begins, with the population count in remote parts of Alaska. By April 1, the process begins for the rest of the U.S. population. The census, conducted every 10 years, is the most important initiative of the U.S. Census Bureau, the Federal government’s largest statistical agency and the nation’s leading provider of quality data about its people and economy. The data collected by the census determines the number of seats each state has in the U.S. House of Representatives, and it is used to distribute more than $675 billion in Federal funds to local communities. This funding supports education, healthcare, infrastructure improvements, and more. […]
The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) that took effect earlier this week will not only erect a higher data privacy bar for citizens of the state, but also may put an important policy stake in the ground for Federal lawmakers who are weighing nationwide data privacy legislation. […]
Industry leaders shared their predictions for 2020 and beyond with MeriTalk, indicating the path to progress will often track uphill, and around plenty of curves. […]
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has detailed its planned vision for the department to internally transform how it shares, analyzes, and derives new insights by leveraging data. […]
While improving the management of data across agencies is an ongoing challenge for Federal agencies, leveraging geospatial data as a strategic asset is turning into an area of opportunity for the Departments of Energy and Transportation (DoT), officials from both agencies said on Dec. 17. […]
For agencies pursuing new ways to share and manage data, Government Accountability Office (GAO) Director of IT and Cybersecurity Nick Marinos recommends focusing on the agency’s mission and incorporating security early on in the process. […]
For the Defense Department (DoD), the Chief Data Officer (CDO) for the agency will be within the Office of the CIO (OCIO), Deputy CIO for Information Enterprise at DoD Peter Ranks said today. […]
At a Brookings Institution event on Dec. 5, Sens. Chris Coons, D-Del., and Mike Lee, R-Utah., made the case for their Facial Recognition Technology Warrant Act. […]
Officials from the General Services Administration (GSA), and Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Veterans Affairs (VA) talked this week about some of the obstacles they’ve encountered, and are overcoming, in wrestling with Big Data sets. […]
Days after Sen. Brian Schatz, D-Hawaii, introduced data privacy legislation to the Senate, the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation held a hearing to examine legislative proposals to protect consumer data privacy. […]