Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

Despite legislative requirements, many Federal websites are not accessible for people with disabilities, a report by the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF) found. The findings present an obstacle for millions of Americans, especially as the pandemic has forced many government services online. […]


Over the years, many government agencies have undergone significant digital growth. But while they were “doing digital” and leveraging digital technologies to enhance their capabilities, they still primarily relied on traditional operating models. […]

Department of Commerce

The Department of Commerce’s Business Application Solutions (BAS) program – which aims to modernize the agency’s legacy financial systems – needs to develop a business practice reengineering plan and align its change effort processes with best practices, the agency’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) said in a management alert. […]


A recent report from the U.S. Web Design System (USWDS) – which is run by the General Services Administration’s (GSA) Technology Transformation Services organization – says Federal agencies need to deliver better digital services to provide reliable, user-friendly services and build public trust in the government. […]


The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’s (FDIC) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) completed a website redesign for ease of access on Dec. 3, according to a press release from FDIC OIG communications specialist Caitlin McDaniel. The site houses audits, investigations, and reports completed by the department, and now includes filters to sort through those reports easier. The site is also home to joint press releases with the Department of Justice about investigations into the banking sector. […]

Los Alamos National Laboratory (LMNL) has turned to a mobile app to let the public time travel to the 1940s. LMNL announced that it has re-released its mobile app, The Secret City: Project Y, which allows users to explore Los Alamos, N.M., as it was during the Manhattan Project in the 1940s. […]

Veterans Affairs

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is launching several real-time customer experience surveys on its websites to monitor feedback from veterans on their use of, according to the agency’s September 2020 President’s Management Agenda (PMA) update.  […]

Air Force
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While much attention has been focused on the Census Bureau’s ongoing 2020 decennial survey, another bureau operation whose impact will stretch well beyond then has proceeded with much less recognition – a training program to modernize the way employees deal with data. […]

A half-dozen technology-savvy individuals have been placed with members of Congress through TechCongress, a non-profit founded by a former Hill staffer in order to boost the legislative knowledge of the body on technology issues. […]

The COVID-19 pandemic has made all levels of government radically change how they operate. From shifting their workforce to telework to delivering government services digitally, Federal, state, and local governments have had to pivot the way they work, while still delivering on their mission. […]

Veterans Affairs VA Vets

As part of the President’s Management Agenda (PMA), the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is tacking to major IT priorities – improving the veteran experience with and expanding telehealth services. As part of its July update, the Department reported on how the VA is progressing towards achieving its agency priority goals. […]


Steve Grewal, Federal CTO at data management platform provider Cohesity, is urging Federal agencies to take a fresh look at continuity-of-operations planning (COOP), along with further training and education for the Federal workforce as the initial wave of the COVID-19 pandemic abates enough for agencies to embark on phase-one re-opening plans. […]

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As Congress considers remote voting and other measures to make the body work during the COVID-19 pandemic, a California-based non-profit has started the Congressional Digital Service Fellowship in order to bring additional digital expertise to the legislative branch. […]

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released a request for information (RFI) on Feb. 3 looking to modernize its Office of Ethics and Integrity’s (OEI) ethics filing platform. […]

The Government Accountability Office found in a Feb. 6 report that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) need to work together to modernize the United States’ emergency alert capabilities. […]

FITARA Awards 2019 - Congressman Gerald Connolly

Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va., chairman of the House Government Operations Subcommittee, said today he would consider adding compliance with the 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act’s (IDEA) website modernization standards to the Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act scorecard produced twice a year by the House Oversight and Reform Committee. […]


One year after the relaunch of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) official website,, the agency praised streamlined citizen services, integration of veterans’ health data with an iOS app, and its virtual veteran services capabilities at the Veterans Digital Transformation Breakfast on Nov. 7. […]

digital transformation
Capital, House of Representatives, Congress, Senate

FITARA, FedRAMP, and 21st Century IDEA are all shaping Federal IT modernization efforts, explained Rich Beutel and Mike Hettinger at ServiceNow’s Knowledge 2019 Conference. […]

Navy seal
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
Cyber workforce people

The transition from military duty to civilian life can be difficult even in the best of circumstances. The ServiceNow Veterans Program aims to ease that passage and put veterans and their spouses in the driver’s seat of careers in the IT sector. […]

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