The International Telecommunication Union–a United Nations agency for information and communications technology–announced the re-election of Houlin Zhao of China as ITU Secretary-General. […]
As the FCC prepares to vote next week on an order that would make it easier for wireless service providers to deploy small wireless antennas and other infrastructure to speed the deployment of fifth-generation–or 5G–services, two of the agency’s five commissioners discussed the pros and cons of taking that course at an event organized by Politico. […]
Apple later this year will launch an online portal for law enforcement officials to submit “lawful request for data, track outstanding requests, and obtain responsive data” from the tech company. […]
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is updating two of its major publications regarding mobile device security, and NIST’s National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) is expanding into uncharted territory. […]
Research firm Gartner said Tuesday that Chinese telecom equipment maker Huawei has surpassed Apple to become the second-largest provider of smartphones globally, edging out Apple in market share for the first time ever. […]
Fraud attacks from mobile devices and applications have grown in 2018, according to RSA’s Q2 Quarterly Fraud Report. […]
Federal IT leaders discussed the ways their organizations are tackling the proliferation of more and more endpoints on Federal networks at MeriTalk’s Cyber Security Brainstorm Thursday. In particular, ever-increasing mobile connectivity is creating the potential for further headaches, but the officials advised that next-gen technologies and proper network and data governance provide avenues to expand the ways employees work without compromising security at the network edge. […]
David Egts, chief technologist for Red Hat public sector has some words of wisdom for Federal managers seeking ways to move from legacy applications to more agile environments: modernization is not just about adopting new technologies and practices, it is about what happens to the old ones. […]
Communication is key–especially for the Federal government. One of the most important ways the government communicates with citizens is through agency websites. In fact, the Federal government has roughly 4,500 websites on more than 400 domains. However, the vast majority of those websites aren’t meeting industry standards. […]
North Korea’s persistent efforts on nuclear weapons development and some loose talk about red buttons have raised new fears internationally about the possibilities of nuclear conflict. At home, government agencies also are addressing the questions about what to do in the case of a nuclear detonation. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), for example, will hold one of its Public Health Grand Round teaching sessions Jan. 16 on how medical professionals should respond–and although the event has been planned for months, it’s timing suddenly seems to be on the mark. […]
While states are still in the process of deciding whether they are opting in or opting out of FirstNet, AT&T and FirstNet are moving ahead with public safety and innovation. The two organizations have launched an application developer program focused on first responders. […]
The Federal Communications Commission announced that states that want to opt out of the FirstNet radio access network for first responders must do so by Dec. 28. Opt-out notices must be sent by the governors of the states or territories to FirstNet and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration. […]
The Commerce Department is asking for public opinion on its Next Generation 911 Grant Program, which would modernize 911 services so that citizens can use IP-based, broadband-enabled technologies to coordinate emergency responses. […]
Cybersecurity considerations for both government and industry have to include leadership, supply chains, mobility, and other components in order to be effective, according to experts who spoke at PCM-G’s Mission First event. […]
State and Federal representatives testified to the need for a first responder-only network and offered their support of FirstNet’s efforts during a recent Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee hearing. […]
BlackBerry announced the expansion of its public sector cybersecurity offerings to include SecuSUITE for Government, which provides end-to-end encryption of calls and texts and supports iOS, Android, and BlackBerry 10 smartphones and tablets. […]
On the 10th anniversary of the iPhone, Apple can say that it’s the most secure phone on the market for an affordable price, while the Federal government still turns to BlackBerry. Apple phones have been encrypted since the 2014 release of iOS 8. […]
The recent DHS mobile device study warns that Federal government mobile devices could become an avenue to attack back-end computer systems containing the data of millions of Americans and sensitive information related to Federal government functions. However, despite the various threats and vulnerabilities targeting the mobile ecosystem, Lookout’s recent white paper found many mobile users are vulnerable to a number of known threats and smartphone applications have access to capabilities that could violate corporate policies or pose significant compliance risks. […]
Agency Twitter use has become an important factor in communication between the Federal community and the public. Agencies that have the best Twitter strategy, such as the State Department, tend to have been present on Twitter for the longest and have picked up the most followers. […]
Some local police departments across the country are using body cameras to record interactions with civilians. A new app is available to civilians who also want to record those interactions. […]
The FBI is letting everyday citizens get in on bank robbery investigations with its Bank Robbers mobile app, which provides users with location-based information on unsolved bank robberies. […]
Data can be a huge benefit to foreign aid programs, but only if the systems are in place to effectively collect and process that data, according to experts at an ITIF panel. […]
Small businesses have the opportunity to submit a proposal for a multivendor contract worth up to $200 million with the Environmental Protection Agency. […]
The White House released its $400 million Advanced Wireless Research Initiative, led by the National Science Foundation, to enable the use of four city-scale testing platforms for advanced wireless research. […]
Pokémon Go has taken over Washington, D.C., bringing Federal buildings and employees into the gaming sphere. A MeriTalk reporter journeyed from the U.S. Capitol building to the White House to discover Pokestops and Gyms scattered down Pennsylvania Avenue. […]
The Defense Health Agency is working on a way for a person injured overseas to have instant access to world-class health care. Cmdr. Tony Thornton, deputy director of the Health Information Technology Directorate at DHA, said the technology for making such connectivity possible was already available. […]
States are beginning to feel neglected in the creation process of FirstNet, a broadband network intended to provide wireless communication for first responders, according to witnesses at the Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Communications, Technology, Innovation, and the Internet hearing. […]
The future of scientific and technological innovation is in the hands of today’s students, President Obama said in his speech at the White House Science Fair. “Some of the best moments I’ve had as president have been with science and at the science fair,” he said. “There’s nothing that makes me more hopeful than seeing the young people that are here.” […]
Kryptowire, a company that assesses the security of Android and iOS mobile applications, will be available to Federal agencies as a resource for vetting their mobile applications. […]
The U.S. Small Business Administration is teaming up with major technology companies to form the Small Business Technology Coalition, which is designed to connect small businesses with technology platforms and training. The coalition will include Amazon, Box, Facebook, LegalZoom, Microsoft, Salesforce, and Zenefits. […]