The recent Office of Management and Budget agency reform plan will have a positive impact on government acquisitions, according to government officials who spoke at the Association for Federal Information Research Management’s speaker series. […]

It’s been one year since Secretary of Defense Ash Carter announced the formation of the Defense Innovation Unit-Experimental, the centerpiece of the Pentagon’s new Silicon Valley outreach effort designed to bring private sector technology innovations into the military at a faster pace and at lower cost than the big iron projects of the past. […]

The General Services Administration is considering a new, governmentwide acquisition contract that will allow Federal agencies to buy a range of cloud services to replace expiring blanket purchase agreements. The new contract would allow agencies to purchase infrastructure, platform, and software services and purchase integrated delivery solutions like hybrid cloud, Stan Kaczmarczyk, director of the […]

Editor’s Note: Richard Beutel is the original author and legislative manager for the Federal IT Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA), a landmark piece of legislation signed into law in December 2014. He is also the former lead acquisition and procurement policy counsel for House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif. This column […]
