Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx announced the members of the agency’s Advisory Committee on Automation, which will discuss the development and deployment of automated vehicles, and determine their research, policy, and regulation needs. […]

The Department of Transportation issued guidance for motor vehicle cybersecurity to ensure that connected vehicles can make appropriate decisions when cyberattacks are successful. […]

U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx announced Thursday the award of more than $56 million in support of technologies that reduce congestion and $8 million in support of innovative transit. […]

The future of drones depends on a built-in incentive for safety, users’ understanding of what they can and can’t do with drones, and an ongoing conversation in government about evolving as the industry evolves, according to Anthony Foxx, secretary of the Department of Transportation. […]

President Obama announced that he will ask self-driving car manufacturers to sign a 15-point checklist to ensure the safety of the vehicles. The Federal Automated Vehicles Policy will include provisions to increase safety, mobility, productivity, and sustainability of automated vehicles. […]

The Department of Transportation launched its National Transit Map, which includes transit data, a participation map, and interactive mapping apps. The map includes data from 270 transit agencies that provided information on more than 398,000 stops and 10,000 routes. […]

Finland is rolling into the future of mass transit with the first driverless bus. One of the world’s first autonomous bus pilot programs has already begun in the Hernesaari district in Helsinki, and will run through mid-September. […]

The new rules imposed by the Federal Aviation Administration on drones, regarding height, speed, and operational restrictions, go into effect on Aug. 29. The regulations could generate more than $82 billion for the U.S. economy and create 100,000 jobs over the next 10 years, according to industry estimates. […]

The Salt Lake City International Airport is setting up Data Comm, a tool that will enable pilots to communicate digitally rather than through voice radio conversations. Data Comm will allow pilots to talk to air traffic controllers through a program that’s similar to text messaging. […]

The White House announced that it’s collaborating with Federal agencies and private companies to increase the use of electric cars in the United States to combat climate change. […]

Rules for drone use took flight on Tuesday after the White House released a set of regulations on the use of these unmanned aerial vehicles. The Federal Aviation Administration’s rules pertain to drones used for hobbies, although the administration also addressed future uses for commercial drones. […]
