Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy
Army DoD military Defense AI

Before the Department of Defense (DoD) can fully embrace new artificial intelligence (AI) technology, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) is doing the behind-the-scenes data prep to get workers and defense technology ready for the transition. […]


The Army Research Laboratory is building a new service to study the relationship between humans and artificial intelligence (AI) and determine the learning methods that benefit both soldiers and tech, according to an April 20 presolicitation. […]

Anil Chaudhry and Krista Kinnard from the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Center of Excellence (CoE) within the General Services Administration (GSA) reminded attendees at an April 16 AI in Government webinar to continuously put people first during AI implementation at the Federal level. […]


The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is seeking artificial intelligence (AI) to develop an interactive, realistic simulation prototype – its own version of the video game The Sims – that generates synthetic data to test the agency’s IT systems. […]

The Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (AI)  is calling for a national research cloud led by the Federal government to fuel innovation and collaboration between academia, the public sector, and industry. […]

As the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) continues exploring emerging technologies for the Department of Defense, it’s considering the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) to tackle electric grid cybersecurity and get ahead of 5G deployment. […]

White House flag at half mast
Pentagon Military Defense DoD

The Department of Defense (DoD) officially adopted the Defense Innovation Board’s (DIB) ethical artificial intelligence (AI) principles Feb. 24. […]

Artificial intelligence (AI) is ripe to revolutionize the workforce and the process of human-machine teaming, but funding, organizational application, and experimentation must accelerate in order for it to become a reality, posited Steve Harris, senior vice president and general manager of Dell Technologies Federal. […]

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report on deepfakes, a technology which uses artificial intelligence (AI) and can depict someone appearing to say or do something they never did. […]

Brookings AI event
European union EU-min

The European Union (EU) released a white paper on artificial intelligence (AI) and its continentwide data strategy Feb. 19 in an effort to position itself as the “global leader of digital transformation.” […]

Veterans Affairs VA Vets

The White House has requested big increases in research and development spending for artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum information science (QIS), according to President Trump’s FY2021 budget request released on Monday. Those proposed increases are part of a plan to double non-defense R&D spending on AI and QIS by FY2022, measured from funding requested in FY2020, the administration said. […]

Department of Transportation
Army DoD military Defense AI

Lieutenant General Jack Shanahan, Director of the Defense Department’s (DoD) Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (JAIC), said Jan. 15 that the future of defense artificial intelligence (AI) relies on international collaboration with United States allies. […]

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A bill introduced in the Senate this week aims to steer tens of billions of new funding toward civilian Federal government research and development efforts involving “industries of the future” including artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum information science (QIS). […]

U.S. Patent Trademark Office USPTO Commerce

Andrei Iancu, director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), raised the possibility of artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled machines qualifying as independent patent holders, during remarks at the Consumer Electronics Show on Jan. 8. […]

The Department of Defense’s (DoD) artificial intelligence (AI) development and deployment efforts thus far lacks the communication, strategy, and metrics necessary for success, according to a December 2019 RAND Corporation report mandated by Congress. […]

The intelligence community (IC) is establishing a hub in Washington and is encouraging industry and Federal partner collaboration in developing its data-analyzing artificial intelligence (AI) strategy known as the Augmenting Intelligence Using Machines (AIM) Initiative, IC Chief Data Officer Nancy Morgan said today. […]

cloud computing concept -min

With excitement building around automated technologies and garnering support from policymakers, Federal agencies are looking to implement better data practices, cloud computing, and cultural shifts to increase the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, Federal officials said this week. […]

Artificial Intelligence and how it may impact employees is front-of-mind when it comes to workforce issues, but having “organizational depth” can help ease the transition of implementing AI in a rational and beneficial way. […]

Yesterday, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that it would be taking steps towards considering a new regulatory framework tailored to promote developing safe and effective medical devices that use artificial intelligence algorithms. […]

