Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

Congressional and White House mandates have put digital transformation at the top of to-do lists across the Federal government for many years now – from Cloud Smart strategies to the recent Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity. These mandates, as well as agency-driven modernization, articulate critical goals such as improving cybersecurity and creating more efficiency. […]

Equitable service delivery is at the center of today’s government mission, with executive orders spurring a holistic evaluation of agency practices, programs, and policies. Leaders across Federal agencies are committed to providing value to all people when they need it most, but they also recognize that the journey requires new approaches and mechanisms to make a sustained difference. […]

data privacy, people, personal data, binary

The Biden administration is determined to improve trust in government, and as part of that goal has made equity a top priority. Agencies are at work responding to recent mandates with assessments about their programs and policies to uncover barriers to serving all demographics and communities. […]

The National Technical Information Service announced on April 10 that it has selected Booz Allen Hamilton as one of its initial partners for the Joint Venture Program. The purpose of the JVP is to pair Federal agencies that accumulate massive amounts of data with organizations that can help them manage that data. NTIS selected Booz […]

News broke this week that the FBI in August had arrested another NSA employee for allegedly stealing and hoarding highly classified information in his home and car. Like Edward Snowden, the employee worked for Federal contractor Booz Allen Hamilton, raising questions about the efficacy of the security reforms put in place at the agency. […]
